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Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Demo Released

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Mine has a 9800 pro

OMG so does I, when shall we marrie ?

Serious, It was a pretty good COD copy, but I thought it was quite messy

"- PLANE 12 a clock" ya, and were is that ? BOOM, DEAD. And to much happend at the same time, i want to have plenty of time to look at the scripted sequences :wink: , and ya it runned quite laggy on a strange sorta way.


I just played it, it's pretty good. It's the typical mohaa game where you can pretty much take out an entire army all by yourself. I got stuck in a lot of places and I disliked that they blocked off so many things that you could have jumped on or used for cover etc...

I LIKED the action, it feels really intense and the dust that fills the air gives it a lot of atmosphere. I do think that they ripped off BiA with teh desaturation/blurred view though, when you get shot at or theres an explosion nearby, so *tips hat to gearbox*. Shooting down the planes was much fun. Overall, nice demo! :)

Guest John Kerry

well.. its got some really really nice gfx effects.. ran very smooth with my radeon 9800 pro... its fun killing waves of incoming japanese but something about the game just rubs me the wrong way.. i look forward to playing the full thing when its released.. then ill be able to make a better judgment :)


Wasent realy very good i think.

Like the others said, messy, paths blocked evrywhere and the fact that you by defult have godmode on, well so it seem untill u get to the part when you must shoot down the planes.

Runned like crap too


i tried it on my work computer and it does look quite good (nice use of post filters n shit). Still doesnt change the fact that its very messy

Allied Assault was way better than this, but it is just a demo and they are 2 months more to work on it so flifflecock


we need a :meh: emoticon

some parts of it weren't bad, but on the whole i'm meh on it. just something about the feel of the gameplay i didn't like that i can't put my finger on. maybe it was just this particular level.


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