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Nuclear Dawn looking for Level Designers

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Nuclear Dawn is a team multiplayer FPS game with RTS elements that will be releasing before the year is out (at the very latest). If you think you have what it takes and want to see your work alongside Robert Briscoe's (littlelostpoly.co.uk - still contributing to ND), keep reading...

There are 3 game modes in total to choose from, offering plenty of scope for most proficient mutiplayer level designers. We have existing assets for both a Japanese urban and Russian abandoned base setting. We're not looking to hold anyone's hand on this, you'd be expected to take ownership and 'commission' artwork from fellow artists or produce it yourself. A mature work ethic is required, but we're not slave-drivers. We just don't have time for timewasters as we are very committed to our internal release deadline.

Here is some of our most recent work:

070723_stealth01s.jpg 070723_stealth02s.jpg

070723_stealth03s.jpg 070723_russia01s.jpg

Plenty more media over at: www.nuclear-dawn.net

Level Designers

We are hoping to have 2 to 3 additional maps to unleash on the masses upon ND's release, and are therefore seeking level designers (note: not 'mappers') who can plan and think out a level so that it plays well in addition to looking pretty. Successful applicants will be provided with a full briefing document detailing the main gameplay aspects of Nuclear Dawn and the requirements to create an official map (something like this but more detailed on the design front). In addition to this they can expect design, art and playtest support.

We are looking for individuals with:

  • [*:lhrtk8zb]an understanding of and appreciation for the visual style of Nuclear Dawn
    [*:lhrtk8zb]the ability to manage their own map project, from monitoring their own workflow to managing other 3D and 2D artists
    [*:lhrtk8zb]the ability to create their own models and textures (preferable, not essential)
    [*:lhrtk8zb]the ability to communicate, understand and be understood in English
    [*:lhrtk8zb]the ability to produce a fully tested map within a short timeframe (we are not looking for beginner or intermediate mappers)
    [*:lhrtk8zb]the time, dedication and determination to commit to this goal (no double-modding, it's not fair to either team)

If you know someone who possesses these qualities, please have them send an introduction email with links to examples of their completed work and a paragraph for each example on how they went about designing the level to:


Note: applications that do not meet these requirements will not receive a reply

Since this is a Level Design community I'm happy to devote more time to anyone from here who'd like a bit more of a chat about where we're at, what we're expecting, what we can provide, etc. Just PM me or email me your MSN and I'll go through things in a bit more detail.

[Edit] Btw our team page will be updated shortly to reflect the current team.

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I'm quite happy to talk candidly about ND with whoever wants to. The fact is there are plenty of people in the HL2 mapping community who know how to make beautiful, beautiful maps but who don't know the first thing about designing a spawn room with spawn camp protection or making sure both teams arrive at the centre of the map at the same time. We are far more interested in the design side than anything else because that will keep the mod alive. In fact, not all of our game modes require prop-heavy maps.

One of the things Dave managed to do (almost to the mod's detriment) was push the bar far higher than could realistically be sustained. Regrettably a certain precedent has now been set for the artwork and to go considerably below that isn't an option. The fact of the matter is we're being very up-front about what we want from the outset. Some of our current members have been actively working on the mod for over three years now and do not want to spend another 12 months waiting for a release because we've ended up with a bunch of half-finished maps. We've been there before and it's a monumental waste of time for everyone concerned.

Our goals are realistic, that's why our 'help wanted' posts have to be the same. I'd much rather be honest and exact about what we're looking for than be vague about our expectations and end up wasting people's time.

You listed website and forums before textures and maps. Was that on purpose?
Only because it's the first thing you see when you visit the website. We also have a pretty decent story written up that could help spark some imaginative ideas in certain level designers' minds. I'm of the firm belief that you can design better for a game if you actually are enthused enough by the concept to genuinely want to play and experience it. Nevertheless I've removed this part as it's pretty extraneous and perhaps misleading.

This is all exacerbated by the fact that the art in the game is so damn good and I watched a ridiculous number of talented artists get chewed up in the ND gear grinding only to walk away wondering what just happened.
Like I said, Dave's long gone. Please don't judge the current members of the team by the actions of those that are no longer a part of it.

If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them.

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Note: applications that do not meet these requirements or do not include the word 'layout' in the design paragraphs will not receive a reply

Am I the only one that finds that weird? :?
I agree this might come across as a bit pompous because of the awkward way I worded it, but I only put this in to make it clear we absolutely only want people who can put a decent amount of thought into their work before even beginning to map it. There are a bunch of reasons why the word 'layout' is so important to us. For example, ND has dynamic 'take and hold' spawn locations so a solid layout is paramount to the map being balanced. I've since removed it since it's obviously doing more harm than good.

Nevertheless, I don't think this is an unreasonable request and we're absolutely not only looking for professional level designers. In fact, I'd far rather take on someone who has a decent grasp of level design and enough time to dedicate to the project than an industry professional who will probably be shattered from work half the time and be difficult to get hold of.

The fact is whoever we take on will get a huge amount of support from the design document I'm writing up, from myself for the design, from focused playtests designed to stress test their map, and art support from a group of talanted individuals if needed. Asking for intelligent and reliable people to spend those resources on isn't a big thing in my opinion.

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You added nothing to this thread with that comment

With this incredible insight I'll exit thread stage left, but incase you missed it my entire point was that you were bossing him around which is of course a very considerate and thoughtful thing to do in crazy world

Anyways OUTTIE :celebrate:

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I jumped the gun but I stand by my points. Clearly, Crispy is a cool dude who unfortunately is held to the standards that DaveL was. I don't think I come off as a "cunt" at all by how he chose to treat people. I think his legacy will stain the mod forever. He carried himself like he was the president of a company and not a 16 year old. And down the line all there is to show for it is a nice little art project four years in the making. Like I said in my opening post, I watched that mod chew up a lot of good people and treat them like crap for no reason. That's uncalled for and ironically as unprofessional as it pretends to be professional.

Which is exceedingly irrelevant if Dave is out of the picture. Best of luck to you in the future and if you'd like I can delete my original post to better accentuate my not-a-grudge-holderness.

And FMPONE, you are correct, you do not know me. Which is funny.

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