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John Riccitiello, EA chief, for more innovative games


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http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1183872 ... jie/6month

"We're boring people to death and making games that are harder and harder to play"

He said he believes making sequels is still a sound strategy, as long as they are more innovative than in the recent past.

"For the most part, the industry has been rinse-and-repeat," he says. "There's been lots of product that looked like last year's product, that looked a lot like the year before."

Mr. Riccitiello worries that competition puts the games business "at risk of being a little less interesting than Facebook and iPods and the next cool cellphone."

This is A W E S O M E :)

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fifa08 is going to have so many new features that you wont learn the game within the next games release..


thats EA sports!

btw. i kind of don't understand EA. they got so much money at least they could spit out some $$$ to the small teams having nice ideas instead of buying the next franchise :X

just my 2 cents

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