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Disgaea 3 announced for PS3

I might have to buy two PS3's, just in case one breaks and there's a small period where I don't have access to one.

In before: Graphics suck.

I'm still considering getting a PSP.

I love my PSP, but I use a lot of public transport. They're pretty crap by themselves but get homebrew on it and it's fantastic, got everything from SNES to Capcom arcade boards, to SCUMM (Monkey Island et, al.) emulated on it. Sadly only play a few actual PSP games, Disgaea Portable, Guilty Gear, Crush, Extra Extend... not exactly spoilt for choice.


Give some consideration to Exit, Killzone: Liberation, and Field Commander, Taylor - all of them are pretty good, which is sort of rare for non-racing games on the PSP :D I haven't played mine in months to be honest, but it is handy on occasions. I don't regret buying it, but then I never regret buying anything to do with games for some reason ;)


I'm almost through Killzone Liberation, good stuff.

I generally use my PSP as much as the DS (more actually), although I tend to use one of em over long periods rather than both at once :)


Give some consideration to Exit, Killzone: Liberation, and Field Commander, Taylor - all of them are pretty good, which is sort of rare for non-racing games on the PSP :D I haven't played mine in months to be honest, but it is handy on occasions. I don't regret buying it, but then I never regret buying anything to do with games for some reason ;)

Well I was of course cutting short my list. There are a few delights out there but I wanted to stress I get the most enjoyment from my PSP from the not-technically-allowed stuff. Getting emulators up for Streets of Rage 2 and Progear are still what I consider the optimum usage of the PSP. It’s awesome, emulators even support wireless multiplayer.

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