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Heh, if you can trust the release dates that have been given...

1. Uncharted

2. Lair

3. Heavenly Sword

4. Ratchet & Clank Future

I'm definitely looking forward to Uncharted and Lair, I'm still not quite sure about Heavenly Sword and Ratchet & Clank, but they look solid enough.


On top of that, the US price cut is apparently only a means to phase out the 60gb SKU, meaning that after those units are gone the only way you can get a PS3 in the US will be to shell out the same $599 you'd have paid before.



Just thought I'd throw this link in for anybody who hadn't read it yet. It's an interview with SCEE boss David Reeves, and he's rather more open than I'd have expected. It's got a few suprising answers, such as...

Eurogamer: But you're still asking people to commit GBP 425 to a games console. Isn't there a problem with the perception that that's an awful lot of money to shell out?

David Reeves: It is, but surprisingly, people are paying that amount of money for it.


Eurogamer: How concerned are you about possible criticisms that you should have given European consumers what Sony America gave the US; the option to pay a lower price?

David Reeves: Well, they're not really are they, because what the US are offering from the 1st of August is a USD 599 version with one game. All they're doing is taking their stock they've got at the moment of the 60GB model, marking the price down and it will all be gone by the end of July.



I donno about you guys but every retailer I have been to( up to 15 now) every PS3 they demoed has been broken. I have seen 1 360 broken out of 1 of the 15. Ummm yeah.

The only thing worth while on the ps3 is the Blu Ray. Even the 360 had better games on release. All the PS3 has for its self right now is Motorstorm.

Another thing that is crap about it, is that they are making its dashboard features over complicated. This home crap, etc etc, I'm pretty sure people would have been pleased if it were simple and build for pure gaming & Multiplayer like the 360.

360 has done it right, simple and orgnial mechanics make it great.


poor sony slave worker :(

i would say 360 is the best choice available atm - you have a huge game selection. it might get better when they release more games for the wii, but right now mine is "collecting dust"...

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