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DM_Static (Half-Life2 Deathmatch)


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I think the messyness tends to get the better of these shots. I can see where you're going with it and how it works in some places but it could be more coherent. You can still have the chaotic sort of architecture and details with a certain amount of control.

Overall it's hard to tell what kind of composition you were going going for in each scene and even the gameplay is hard to detect. It's always good to visually show the player where it is you want him to go and where all the main paths and elements are in your level (pick ups, etc) with lighting and texture contrast.

Aside from that though I do dig the look you're going for. Cool stuff.

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I like it it just doesn't neccessarilly seem like you had a clear vision of what you really wanted each part of the map to look like and it ended up getting somewhat out of control.

Its still very nice and for all we know by the screens it might be more unified in game

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I don't want to be a whiny bitch but there seems to be a lot of architecture just for the sake of architecture with no real reason or logic behind it. Some of the stuff doesn't even make a lot of sense. It may be futuristic but I think it's always good to say to yourself "why would this be here, what purpose does it serve in the overall context - and how would it be constructed if it existed in the real world, alien, futuristic or not".

The leaves on the stairs in what looks like a completely enclosed area is odd too - if it is connected directly to the outside maybe you could have used lighting to show that.

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This map doesn't make much sense, very much like the resolution of the video. :D

No seriously, i mean it doesn't make much sense architecturally, and in my eyes, it's a quality for a deathmatch map. Especially if it's well done, and that's the case, you got a well fitting lighting and all.

Still you have some texture alignement issues from here and there, and they are sometime very bland and repetitive, but i guess that's because you used HL2's base textures. :(

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