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After giving a few listens I've decided it's awesome. His best work? eh...dunno. Maybe some of it. Certainly is awesome and parts of it remind me of Broken and Downward Spiral.


I was very unimpressed with this. I like with teeth (a lot of people seem to hate it), some good songs on that, but year zero for me was incredibly bland, nothing stood out and it all sounded like something I heard before. I like NiN but this album is just boring imo.


Tool sounds like shit to be honest. I used to like them but got tired of them really quickly.

NIN is one of my favourite bands... I'll check Year Zero as soon as possible. With Teeth had a few good songs but it was not their best album at all. Oh and Trent is also on QOTSA's new album (Era Vulgaris). One of the songs that he takes part in was released a few days ago and it sounds pretty cool. Damn catchy riff.

Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lo57bg

(It's a legal download afaik, Josh Homme decided to release it since it's not in the album)


Tool are great.

This album, Year Zero, is also great! Hurrah! It has much more replayability value than With Teeth I think, as it is more of a single entity than a collection of random songs. Also, it's the first time Mr. Reznor has consistently not written about his own personal griefs, and to be honest, it's about time!


I haven't listened to the entire thing yet, but it was completely commerical tracks from what I've heard and much more similar to With Teeth than his older stuff. Not bad, of course, but not really what you expect. With Teeth was cool, but Broken and Downward Spiral are still his best.


album out soon. I still can't tell if their lyrics are bad, good, or so far one way they're the other. Better than whining about their girlfriends, I guess.

never really got down with NIN; too slow, too emo, too art-house bullshit.

Always preferred a bit of Tool or Soundgarden to get my rocks off to :S

hijack: anyone a fan of NoMeansNo ?

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