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batchfiles? for compiling? what are you talking of?

i made some batches to make the compile tools avaible in the context menu. http://www.thomashess.net/haxx0r_batches.jpg


vbsp.exe %1

vvis.exe -fast %1

vrad.exe -ldr -fast %1
vbsp.exe %1

vvis.exe %1

vrad.exe -both %1
vbsp.exe -leaktest %1

vbsp.exe %1

vvis.exe %1

vrad.exe -ldr %1
vbsp.exe %1

vvis.exe %1

vrad.exe -hdr %1
vbsp.exe -onlyprops %1
and for maya: makedevfolder.bat


set /p SourceProjectName=Please enter your projectname: 

ECHO Creating folder structure for %SourceProjectName%

mkdir %SourceProjectName%

cd %SourceProjectName%

mkdir scenes

mkdir materialsrc\models\%SourceProjectName%

mkdir model_sources\%SourceProjectName%

mkdir references

mkdir dxf

ECHO ---------------------------------------------

ECHO explanation to the paths:

ECHO scenes - maya scene files

ECHO materialsrc\models\%SourceProjectName% - tga-texture files which you want to get exported

ECHO model_sources\%SourceProjectName% - exporter will write qc and smd files here

ECHO references - reference files like photos. NO TGA-TEXTURES!

ECHO dxf - exported levels from the hammer editor

ECHO ---------------------------------------------

ECHO Batch file written by Thomas Hess aka hessi, 2006

ECHO www.thomashess.net

cd ..

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Ooh, I never thought of that. Good idea.

Here's a link explaining how to add stuff to context menus so people can replicate it :)

Also, I had to make mine use the source sdk environment variable or it couldn't find the tools. Not sure how you've got yours set up but this worked for me.

%sourcesdk%/bin/vbsp.exe %1

%sourcesdk%/bin/vvis.exe -fast %1

%sourcesdk%/bin/vrad.exe -ldr -fast %1


Here's a load of pre-made .bat files people can drop them straight into their tools/bin dir : I also included 1 threaded versions for people that like to keep one core spare. My opteron grinds to a halt if I'm compiling with both cores, but if I run it with one thread I can keep mapping / doing other stuff in the meantime.

Download them from here.

I spy BF2 on the desktop! :quagmire:

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