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Tell us about your horrible job

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Ok, everyone tell everybody your shitty, godawful job.

If you have an awesome job (mikezilla, zaphod, klein, mazy etc.), then please stay out of this thread, or start your own goddamn thread to discuss the finer points of being in heaven :evil:

Ok, I'll go first.

I work tech support for a phone company/ISP/evil all-consuming plague upon the world, and it pretty much blows.

We're the biggest in my country (although thats not saying much), and therefore everybody hates us.

My day consists of sitting around infront of a computer, reading SA forums, playing solitaire, making map layouts, and sometimes talking to customers. God, fucking customers. Always ruining my fun.

I've gotten deaththreats a few times, but mostly people just call me retarded/stupid when I won't do something inane that they want me to do.

The funniest is when people start crying or swearing that they will track me down and run me over with a car. Then I have to put the phone on mute while I :lol: and play some solitaire.

This job is causing me to get low self-esteem, I work pretty shitty hours (8 hour shifts, you either start at 8 in the morning and work to 4, or you start at 12 and work until 8 ), and its mind-numbingly boring.

I'll probably be stuck in this job for another year, while I wait for university to start. Then I'll be a student for 3 good, long years, trying to forget this dark, cold, evil place.


Ok, now you. And no game-industry professionals come into this thread to brag. I'm this close to drive a truck off a cliff.

This message has been written from my workplace. I got paid for it. Yey.

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well my job isnt shitty so i guess i shoould stay out of this like young insta said BUT!!! to make you people with shitty jobs life alittle more pleasent i have FREE stuff aka i've got some free tickets to GameStars Live so anyone in the UK that wants to go but is to cheap to get a ticket come bug me and i'll see what i can do..im not sure how many i have to give out but lets find out :)

its better then ECTS face it :P halo2, brothers in arms, splinter cell 3 etc


right while my good mood lasts im going to go buy a game! YES BUY!!! im in such a good mood im going to part money for a game! HOLY CRAP *explodes*


jesus insta....where the hell do you work...

i have a kind of love/hate relationship with my job

i love it because i could basically go in to work at any time. hell if its like 3 pm and i all of a sudden get the urge to go in, its no problem. the guy i work for is a pretty laid back and knows that i know my stuff and can give him a hand with stuff. the HATE my job because the guy i work for refuses to come out of the 1990's. instead of letting me set up group policy and roaming profiles and stuff.....he wants to just put deep freeze (it basically makes it so when you restart the computer, it loads the stored image back, making all changes impossible) on all of the computers and then have us (me and the 2 guys i work with) install the software COMPUTER by COMPUTER. this would be fine if there werent about 120 computers. and thats just the labs.

another thing that drives me insane is that if im working on something and then he walks into the room he'll get all in your personal space and start asking you question after question after question. he has a good reason too....cause once school starts im not gonna be there to administer the servers 24/7....but i just wanna get my job done most of the time.

also we download tons of warez and play the movies on the projector the school owns (and its a nice one too). and since its about 120 computers x 40 gb....we'll never run out of space for nice quality movies.

i guess in the long run this will be the best job ill ever have, its kind of spoiling me...but then again maybe because im in such high demand things will always be this way ;D




I work in the busiest bakers delight franchise bakery in victoria and my boss is a prick. But hes nice to me, coz i threatened to quit a while back, and im one of his best workers. So now hes nice. Althought the rest of the epople are quitting coz he in an ass to them. Hopfully this means I do basically the same job im doing now, but I move up the ranks a little bit and get extra $$ in my pocket at the end of the week.

There is NO management at my workplace, and staff morale is at an all time low. Head Office is bringing out a whole new range of crap for us to make, and because my boss wants our business to look good, he makes them ALL.


oh and i start work at 2am in the morning, and WORK 8 hours and haev 1/2 an hour unpaid break, so technically i am at work for at least 8.5 hours every day, and of late have been doing at least 1 to 2 hours a day overtime, for which I get no penalty rates. I dont get penalty rates for starting in the middle of the night either. (But I will when the new laws get passed! :D)


I haven't got work, I got school.

And it sucks.

I got to like um "normal" gym, but I want to go to media and communications (photo, webdesign, video, digital editing etc.), but I'm stuck in this trash (atleast I think so, but I'm trying get an transfer, but I doubt that its going to happend (24 people are infront of me in the queue.

Damn shitty oral exam, it fucked up for me (If I didn't have to take it, I would have been in on the Media and communications school)...

:x :x :x :x :x :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: :x :x :x :x :x


holy crap madcow, that job was very sucky :P

well, I work at a logal gas station.

Lets all just let that sink in on what kind of persons that you usually find at a gas station...

God I hate hot dogs! I work at a Hydro Texaco station in a small village named Hokksund. (there is, infact two other of those gas stations 3 minute drive in either direction). But this is the one thats located in centrum of the god forsaken village. (around 6-7000 inhabitans). My day consists of just standing there making hot dogs and doing cashier work things. yes, i said standing... There is no place to sit. and my shift is 8.5, maybe 9 hours long. And, Im not really sure if this is a coincidence anymore, but either there is no customers for like an hour (amazingly boring) or there is suddenly 30 people in the store. And im there all alone. I bear every single bit of responsebility on my shoulders. If something gets stolen, like a candy bar, i get the blame... (not that serious tho:P). But if someone fills gas and just drives off. Im to blame because i didnt stare out the window and got his licence plate number while i was trying to make 5 hot dogs with extra shit on for plus the 9 other customers waiting in line to get some cigarettes/potato chips/whatever those loosers buy there...

But the stress aint the worst part. I can handle that. But what pisses me off is the people that actually LIVE OUTSIDE THE GASTATION! ... (For dere norske, ordet "råner" er vel det dere burde tenke på)


I cant figure out whats so fucking fun about driving their stupid car up and down the same street up to 300 times per day... I just dont see the fun...

Sometimes they have gatherings too. Maybe 4-5 cars meet. and 20 low life people just stand there. smoking... wecking stuff.. comes in and fills up their coffee mug..


The gas station chain "Hydro Texaco" (also knows as just hydro or texaco in other countries) had this very good idea to attract customers. If you buy a special coffee mug for ~10£, you can just fill it up for free in any Hydro Texaco gas station you want to.. very handy if you're driving far or maybe just want a quick caffein thing before work... Now, it may sound like i actually like the thing. I dont. I hate coffee! Well, these people that hangs outside the gas station, they abuse that "coffeedeal". MY GOD I HATE THEIR FILTHY MUGS!!! greasy shit.. FUCK!

well... Ive probably filled more coffee mugs and made more hot dogs during these ~1.5 years ive worked there than anyone of you will in your entire life... trust me...

YES I FUCKING HATE MY JOB!!! I will just mention that my boss is offcourse the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. If she calls, I know its because i forgot to do something. Like maybe lock one of the doors INSIDE the building.. wtf.. like that matter...

And i wont even begin to speak about the dumbness of certain customers...


PS: Im gonna quit my job at thursday... hopefully..


I love ur SnadderLoff Skjalg :P

"Rånere" is the people who GOT to style their cars, fuck in it, burn rubber with it, sleep in it etc.

I know an guy workin at an HT station, and damn hes ugly (prolly all the grease from the hotdogs and burgers that he makes :P) :lol:


I did do a variety of monotonous tasks, but the great thing about monotonous tasks is they are usually quite easy to automate... So I spend my days watching my work do itself while I try to look busy just in case they notice that I don’t really do a lot except pickup wages. I still get to do other fun accountancy tasks though, all about as much fun as eating glass. It’s not permanent though, I just need to earn a fair bit of money before we move to Toronto, where super English pounds triple.

Guest The_Postman

I have an awesome job too, you left me out. I curse your family.

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