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Doom 3 Thread #153235223 | QuakeCon, Sales, Patching/Demo

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As all of my news is from Da Shack w3rd.

This goes back slightly to Izuno's post about Sales, seems Activision is checking but.. sounds like they hit the 200,000 mark from the statement below. Guess we'll find out, no release date for the demo except 'acouple weeks' and as we all knew the demo isn't the smoothest play ever, so it seems they are making a patch addressing a few issues, which was predictable.

DOOM3 Notes from QuakeCon

A couple of bits from QuakeCon and the id Software guys after a brief discussion I had with Tim Willits as well as this CNN article that you should also check out:

- DOOM3 demo is at least a couple of weeks away.

- DOOM3 patch is of course in the works addressing a couple of minor multiplayer bugs

- DOOM3 expansion pack in the works by a separate developer

- DOOM3 sales for the first week are possibly the highest ever for a PC game, Activision is investigating to be sure

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