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First (or maybe second? third?) post here! Really admire a lot of people's work here. Anyway, entered the same mapping contest as Ferret's dm_fairytales. But of course, I don't stand a chance against him anyway.

Persian Letters (bonus points: guess what game this map is inspired from?!)

Map Info: http://www.snarkpit.com/maps.php?map=828

Download: http://www.snarkpit.com/maps.php?download=828

(err, open \persia\ and extract the 5-6 folders to \valve\)

Notes: Ladder bugs. Clipping bugs. Lighting glitches. Let's just leave it at "lots of bugs". Playtest wasn't too bad, except crossbow was too dominant. Quite big, too - probably at least 10 people are needed to maintain a good pace throughout the map. Not likely that many people are going to be playing this though, heh. Weapon placement and a bunch of rooms were horribly rushed and are mediocre hack-jobs. So far, people have simply told me it has "a lot of potential". Too bad it's finished already. :-D










read my review @ snarkpit



CJ's "Persian Letters" was a game from the console! He took the persian feel from Price of Persia and nearly perfectly duplicated it for Halflife. He did it wonderfuly! It was great to look at! Sadly though for the 6-7 players playing, it was a tad large for any good consistent gameplay. I found myself lost and searching for players most of the time. The crossbow was tad too easy to get, but I'll attribute this to the fact he didn't have time to test the placement. I did notice his lighting was bland in parts. If the gamma was up'd more color could probably ahve been recieved. It was mostly global light which was sad. Also the ladders are a must change. Relying on so many was poor in my opinion. It got pretty annoying to try to get over some ladders. Other ladders seemed to be really far away from the actual brush! Also I tried to run over books but got stuck, use a clip brush to make a ramp out of them. Congrats on such a work of art, a little work and this will be a truly memorable deathmatch map.

Reno's "Flatshaded" was enjoyable. I found that the fact you spawned with weapons a tad disapointing though. Players simply gaussed everywhere and the action got a little tedious. Though the map was an amazing visual masterpiece. Few maps have suceeded so well in looking so god damn wonderful! The skull is an image that will stick in my mind for a long time. I gaussed up into the towers and sat there for a while enjoying the scenery. Though the one thing that stands out above all, is the sharks. That was a beautiful touch to say the least. Congrats on such a masterpiece.

My "Fairytale" was ok. I found that most of the map was polished, the last section Irushed to add simpmly did not cut it as much as I hoped. A tilted window near the awkward stairs did not go additive like the entity clearly tells it too. HOMs plagued the new caves. Clipping was ok in places, but others the hull totaly disregarded clip brushes placed to fix the errors I knew it would create. My map was incredibaly taxing on VIS taking over 11 hours on a 64bit FX-53 with a gig of ram. Reno's assessment that the vertical combat was lacking is totaly correct. My only defense was that it wasn't planned for sadly due to time constraints and other pressing mod work. Little errors that I noticed also popped up, but again I defend myself by saying "Hey cmon, I only had one compile to get the whole back area right before the map was due." One of my greatest pleasures in the map though is Alice in wonderland. From the get go I wanted it to be day outside and night inside and I wanted very much for the skies to be different for a bit of a yin yang effect. I found that if you take a dark texture and put it in the lights.rad it will be full bright, but still dark. It will also most importantly not get any shadows applied to it, making it look like its another sky brush. Though its not perfect, it did its job and I was quite pleased with it. Overall it was a wonderful little map and I urge everyone to open up the RMF in the download and take a look at it for ideas on how you can do things in the future. And remember, clip nodes are your friends.


*GAWK* this map looks really really really good (really) good work. also you guys should get the other (good :P) contest mappers to post here, id like to see the other maps but im way too lazy to go to a site that isnt mapcore :-D

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