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Boston need to learn what bombs looks like (I want a sign)


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Their lawyer told them not to say anything about it to the media, and yet the media expected some sort of press conference. The media outlets got what they deserved: nonsense.

The legal charges aren't going to hold up because you can't get a conviction on bombing hoax charges without proof that they meant for the devices to be thought of as bombs (which there is clear evidence that they're not). Even the judge told the DA that the claims are spurious. The most they'll get them on is vandalism. Hell, it can't even be destruction of property since they were held on by magnets. First time offense for vandalism is usually community service, so if they try to give them jail time, they've got a valid appeal that their got unusual punishment different from the norm. My final guess is a settlement for 100 hours each community service and a written agreement not to engage in guerrilla marketing again.

As for Turner/Cartoon Network, it will be difficult to get them to pay back the city for the resources, because Turner can show that the ads went up in 9 other major cities (including NYC) without anybody thinking they were bombs. And when images of the devices were show on TV, numerous people called the TV stations on air to explain that they were cartoon characters.

At the end of the day, the Boston police force and the 24-hour news networks are going to be the ones looking bad for this stuff. The Boston PD shut down a city because nobody could do a wee bit of research, and their bomb squad/terrorism task force apparently couldn't tell a light bright from a bomb. They also leaked this shit to the media (which is usually a no-no in a crisis situation), who scared the shit out of everybody because they've apparently lost all kinds of editorial restraint since 9-11. They're constantly racing each other to tell you about how it's the end of the world 5 minutes before the other guys. As I said at lunch the day this was happening: Give the news 12 hours, then we'll see what the facts are.

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