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Oh looks pretty sweet!

Not very red orchestra'ish, but I don't really think that was the purpose.

Welcome to this dirty lair~~I think I spoke to you like 1421234 zillion years ago on ld.nu.


That is unbelievable work.

I really love what you did with it, the industrial metal patchwork idea is just well executed and the map itself is just over the top enough to really impress but you still really sold the environment.


Thanks for all the comments! =D

I know it looks a tad "unrealistic" for a RO map but on the other hand, does red orchestra really need another compleatly ambient-lit custom map with plain BSP walls? Might've taken it over the top in my quest for atmosphere but Hey, it works well i think ;)

I added another 3 shots, per request, to the first thread. Hope you enjoy em :)

Also, whats this "spotlight?" :o

it sounds intruiging.


Authors who publish finished work of excellence get a "spotlight". Then your work is displayed on the mapcore.net front page and you will also get a spotlight distinction avatar over your regular avatar.

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