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Started drawing (Sketches)


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i dont know what to say. good or bad.

i like toon style characters but i don't like the sub style you did pick. it looks kind of random.

maybe you should take a look at several anime drawing tutorials to get basics on cartoon drawing. this would help you to dig into drawing.

this is not ment to make you frustraded, but copieing stuff might be a much easier start than trieing to get something on your own right at the beginning.


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I'd suggest staying away from anime and studying the structure of human body, it's proportions, main masses and planes and after that getting deeper into anatomy. This knowledge combined with decent rendering skills opens doors to many styles instead of ability to draw characters with big eyes.

a great book on figure drawing

Have fun!

exactly, the loomis book is really great.

Your last drawing is pretty neat, but it reminds me of this typical webcomic style (STAY AWAY FROM THAT!!). Draw from life, look at other people's sketches and how they draw certain body features. Look at people, ask people to model for you and experiment in finding ways to draw them :)

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Thx for you comments :banjo: (really a banjo? :oops: )

I started drawing this style (it's an graffity style) because it looks very good in my eyes - and is not very difficult. I thought that it would be a good start. I want to study the anatomy of a human being later - but i will ;).

So thanks for this great e-book - 200pages are a lot but i'll try to master it :)

Cya ;):zoidberg::hurg2:(<- What teh? :? )


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