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HL2DM - [WIP] dm_phobos


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I have had this posted at interlopers for a long while now so I thought I might post it here for some more constructive criticism.

I haven't worked on this map in ages and it is still far from done, anyways here is the layout and a screen shot.

Final Layout:


This would be my latest screen shot from today, I think this is done for the most part.


I'm not showing the rest of the screens because those parts of the map are not done or worth showing.

Also all the textures are custom made by the talented evillair at http://www.evillair.net the only texture that is custom and made by me is the door texture.

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I think it looks great. I don't mind the ambient lighting either. I think we put too much emphasis on contrasted lighting and forget that sometimes ambient lighting is easier to look at. The one thing i did notice about it though, is that the pipe up there is not quite lit correctly. the whole thing is rather bright. Darkening it up by moving the light origin is probably all you need.

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