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i was sitting on the couch this morning watching lotr:tt and all of a sudden i had an awesome flashback. i remember this game from when i like FIRST started using computers. it was where all you saw was your side of the trenches in a battle and then on the other side enemies popping up every now and then and stuff. you could throw grenades over to the other side or something....i really dont remember. one thing that stands out in my mind is that you could buy or have mercenaries with dynamite strapped to their bodies and send them to the other side. it was VERY low quality, but extremely fun...im almost positive it was freeware and that alot of people played it.

it has to be from the late 90's because i remember i still had AOL then.


I remember this slalom game that came with Win 3.1 and such. Your goal was to ride down this super steep corse but after a while a snowman came and ate you.

If anyone did beat this game pls tell me, cus i tried 1000 of times and i never did!

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