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Gears of War release date announced


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From shacknews:

Microsoft today announced the final release date for Epic's upcoming Xbox 360 shooter Gears of War. Referred to in marketing materials as Emergence Day, November 12, 2006 will be when the game is officially available in stores, though comments made today by Epic employees suggest that retailers will be able to sell the title as soon as it is delivered to their stores. Somewhat oddly for a game release, the date falls on a Sunday. The game will hit the United Kingdom on November 17, the same day Sony plans to launch PlayStation 3 in North America and Europe.

Gears of War will ship in two versions, a standard edition for $59.99 and a limited edition collector's edition for $69.99. The higher price tag on the limited edition pays for metal packaging as well as an official book of artwork entitled "Destroyed Beauty" and a DVD with documentary footage. The pricing scheme breaks the Xbox 360's tradition for Microsoft-published software, which has previously launched at a $49.99 price point for standard editions.

Speaking on the possibility of a pre-release demo, Epic vice president Mark Rein soundly refuted any such speculation, noting that the time it takes to create a demo would needlessly delay the game. "Given a choice of the game this year or a demo this year and the game next year I'm sure every one of you would rather have the game this year because you're already planning to buy it," he said frankly, adding that the company has not decided whether to create a demo post-release. However, it seems like Epic's priority is on creating extra downloadable content for the game, which has already proven to be hugely popular with Xbox Live gamers. "I know we have some very cool plans (not 100% solid so too early to give any specifics) for additional downloadable so that might take a higher priority than creating a demo," he said.

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nah, cliffyb once said there won't be a pc version (since microsoft is the publisher) but a few days later a microsoft guy (peter moore?) said he can imagine a pc version...

but my comment has nothing to do with that, i just don't want to afford an xbox360 (and i won't).

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yeah I wont buy a 360 just to play games that belong on the PC. And not releasing a demo isn't that big a deal, just wait for the reviews.

Releasing on the PS3 launch date seems like another stupid move (not to mention a bit childish), the game may be great but it will never have the mainstream appeal of a Halo that has had years to build up a fanbase and name for itself. I doubt very many people will turn down buying a PS3 just because of this game...

If Microsoft was smart and really wanted to hinder the PS3's release they would have just had these guys work on Halo 3 a long time ago.

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yeah I wont buy a 360 just to play games that belong on the PC. And not releasing a demo isn't that big a deal, just wait for the reviews.

Releasing on the PS3 launch date seems like another stupid move (not to mention a bit childish), the game may be great but it will never have the mainstream appeal of a Halo that has had years to build up a fanbase and name for itself. I doubt very many people will turn down buying a PS3 just because of this game...

If Microsoft was smart and really wanted to hinder the PS3's release they would have just had these guys work on Halo 3 a long time ago.

I remember Bill Gates saying "...and when they release the PS3, they will walk right into Halo3". So yea, looks more like it will walk into GoW then...or over GoW, we shall see :oops:

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yeah I wont buy a 360 just to play games that belong on the PC. And not releasing a demo isn't that big a deal, just wait for the reviews.

First of all, this game was designed for a console, the camera angles, control scheme, etc. A PC version would get a lot of complaints about console-itis and would probably be hard to play without a lot of design changes. I'd much rather play it on the system it was designed for, which is the 360.

Releasing on the PS3 launch date seems like another stupid move (not to mention a bit childish), the game may be great but it will never have the mainstream appeal of a Halo that has had years to build up a fanbase and name for itself. I doubt very many people will turn down buying a PS3 just because of this game...

I don't think it's a stupid move. It may not have the reputation of Halo, but it does have some very strong market hype and user appeal. Some people will pick a PS3 over the 360 and GoW. But some won't. Every little "steal the market" tatic helps. Besides, the 360 does have the advantage.

If Microsoft was smart and really wanted to hinder the PS3's release they would have just had these guys work on Halo 3 a long time ago.

Halo3 is Bungie's game, not Epic's. :P

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Ha, I was about to make that same 3-quote post. :D

A lot of people aren't going to buy a console for one game, but by the time Gears ships and the 360 has about a year under it, I could see a lot of people looking for enough games to warrant the system purchase being nudged under the edge by this sort of game. And can't forget that either 360 + 3-4 games will run you about the same as a comparative model PS3 without anything to play.

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I am actually one of these kind of people, there is no game for the PS3 I look forward to so far (well maybe Stranglehold, that looks cool) but Playstation has enough fanboys that anticipate its release. The 360 hasn't convinced me yet either, but with Dead Rising and GoW coming up I feel tempted.

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Gears of War is an interesting middle ground for Microsoft. They have made it the "new" halo in some ways. They definitely have put all of their marketing muscle behind it.

The difference is Epic can't be be bought and they aren't willing to bend over and make a bunch of changes. GoW is an M rated game with chainsaws ripping people in half and a bunch of football jock marines swearing their asses off. Microsoft hasn't ever really approved of this (see MTV special) and can't get 100% behind it.

This makes Epic awesome. Damn the man, save the empire.

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I wont buy a 6-7 hundred dollar PS3 nor will I buy a 360 when most if not all of the really great looking games (this excluded) are available on the PC so I think like plenty of people I'm bitter.

That is exactly why I bought a 360. I hated the fact I had to upgrade my computer multiple times just to make it the best and run games as top quality and not at medium settings. With the 360 I can lay back in a beanbag or on the couch and just relax while I play instead of sitting inches away from my monitor. Its not that don't PC game any more, I still do, but the fact I can be as relaxed as possible is a main selling point for me.

Plus a lot of games that are multi release for consoles and PCs are generally developed for consoles now anyways, so I might as well play the game the way it was intended.

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With the 360 I can lay back in a beanbag or on the couch and just relax while I play instead of sitting inches away from my monitor.

One argument i've never really got. While the typical set up for a pc is at a desk close to the screen, you can easily have a nice setup where you can be on a couch / beanbag / swing (if anyone is into that kinda thing :P)

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