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England ranks Alcohol and Tobaco more dangerous then LSD


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Meth is an amphetamine, just like wild berries are fruit.

Lol stepp you have no idea what youre talking about do you? :roll:

In plain english, why would scientists put wild berries on a list when it already has FRUIT on it? Why would they put crack on it when it has cocaine already on there?

RD it is chemicaly correct that methamphetamines and amphetamines belong to one family. But it is just wrong to say they are the same drug. Same goes for crack and cocaine.

Take Psylocibin for example (the hallucinogenic thats within magic mushrooms). Change the molecule only a little and you get Serotonine.

With your logic all people would be on a mushroom trip all the time. But you will agree with me that there is a big difference between normal reality and tripping.

In a list like this generalization of drug groups is just wrong. as said above meth for example is much more addicting as amphetamines and belongs on a higher place in the list for this.

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Take Psylocibin for example (the hallucinogenic thats within magic mushrooms). Change the molecule only a little and you get Serotonine.

Worst example ever. Going like that I could say that Germanium is a deadly element, but you have to change the atom a little bit and add a proton....

No its not a bad example since psylocibin only works on human mind due to its closeness to Serotonine. :roll:

It's so typical that in drug discussions people think they are experts who in fact have no glue what they are talking about. No offence. Its just an observation.

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