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Reminds me a lot of the PSP game "Exit", which I just bought actually, mostly due to the floating around character select ability, admittedly. Really liking Exit, though I'm not so impressed with Cloning Clyde from the training level and first level of the demo. Those security machines with the exploding chickens are really awkward to take out, mostly due to the movement speed seeming way too high despite the game not really feeling like a fast platformer (a la Sonic).

I think it seems like it has some potential, and I'll probably give the other demo levels a shot before I pass judgement, but for now I'll keep playing Exit :)


Dunno about in the US but it is really cheap in the UK at the minute - I picked it up for £12 brand new, and for me its one of my happiest PSP purchases. Gameplay suits the portable format perfectly due to the fairly short scenarios - normally 2-5 minutes per level...though with a fair few (quick loading - hurrah!) restarts since you can screw up and have to reload. Its also one game that seems to remain playable even with lots of screen glare - best weather the UK has seen for years at the minute yet I've been playing while sat with just some measly shade at bus stops. You ever play that old Quavers sponsered domino style game "Pushover"? Well it reminds me of that style of game. Mix Flashback/Abe's Oddysee and something like Lemmings, and you come up with Exit :)

Not perfect by any means but well worth picking up.

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