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Favourite football (soccer) game ?

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So yeah, since we are having the WC and everyone is talking about football, what is your favourite football game ?

Mine is: International Super Star Soccer Deluxe (SNES)



This is the game that marked my childhood. My brother and I were used to playing it everyday and it was hella fun since we were at the same level. Sometimes we would even fight after losing a match and shit like that :D

Interesting site I found about this game: http://home.alphalink.com.au/~warrior/ISShist.htm

oh btw, this is where the Winning Eleven series come from (they later changed the name to WE when they made the PSX version).


Sega Soccer Slam


It's soccer, only with fighting, racial/ethnic stereotypes, and Dragonball Z powerups. The single player isn't that great, but the multiplayer is wonderful.


Fifa international soccer !

The first Fifa game and my first PC game ever :D Oh boy that game was sweet, I still think it is the best soccer game there is. Although Dos had the bad habit to jam up the keyboard when more than two buttons were pressed at the same time. I used to play it with my brother and fight all the time about jamming the keyboard. Then we got a joystick that solved the problem :D



Pro Evolution Soccer, definitely.

Also, I loved the NES soccer game where you had these

guys with big heads (they looked like midgets) etc. :D

Don't remember the name though


YUS! It was Nintendo World Cup, man it was gold back then.



Haven't played that many (Played a bunch of Fifa games in the late 90s). Anyway, Fifa 94 is probably my favourite (played it the most) since you could basically go up to the opponents goal, stand in front of the goal keeper as he was about to shoot and pop it into the goal~~good shit


PES3 was about the pinnacle for me, just because I wasted so much time on the multiplayer aspect, hours and hours and hours were wasted at Uni by playing that game on a near constant basis.

Is Winning Eleven 8 PES6? Not even sure what they're up to now, but I'll buy whatever the newest one is as it's always fantastic.

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