Jezpuh Posted May 30, 2006 Report Posted May 30, 2006 ... NlYwM3NTc- What the hell, seriously.
⌐■_■ Posted May 30, 2006 Report Posted May 30, 2006 One of the pedophile motherfuckers that founded this pervert party. ^^ It makes you think: how sick is our society really? It makes me sick to even think about those pervert bastards. :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj:
Minos Posted May 30, 2006 Report Posted May 30, 2006 "We are going to shake The Hague awake!" isn't it the city peris lives ?
ReNo Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 That's seriously fucked up. Nice of them to promote free train travel though
Skjalg Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 I dont really get why its so fucked up. As long as its volounteraly, i really dont care how young people are when they have sex. Girls usually get their systems ready at the age of 12 and boys at the age of 13-14... If we were to follow nature and every other living animal, thats the age when we'd reproduce instead of waiting 'till were 18.
kleinluka Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 Voluntary..... a 40+ year old doing a 12 year old? are you out of your fucking mind?
⌐■_■ Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 i dont think you really get the weight of this situation Skjalg.. It's a party in wich self proclaimed pedophiles (old men who like having sex with underaged CHILDREN) want to legalize childporn and such because THEY want to have legal sex with KIDS. thats sick. i really dont agree on what youre saying. first of all, we are NOT equal to animals. we eat them. should i say its okay to kill and eat someone because animals do just the same? children at the age of 12 are not ready for sexual engagements, both physicly and mental. believe me, i study on this sort of crap. so what youre saying is not true. yes, they get their systems ready, but only does that mean theyll be ready by the age of 17 or so. having said that, i can safely state that in our society most children are mentally noet ready to engage in sexual activities before the age of 17 or so. untill then, all enrgie goes into BECOMING an adult, with his or her own visions on different situations, each with its own set of values. Look at it like this: kids before the age of +-17 are vonerable and its the society's task to protect them from any unhealthy invluences, like pedophiles and such. it's not likely a 12 year old has a good idea about having sex or having relations. Ah meh.. why bother explaining? it's just too obvious! just a tip, read the article and try see it in the proper context...
cdxx Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 whats fucked up is this guys teeth. HOLY SHIT DUDE! all kidding aside, at least if they start a party then maybe they'll all come forward in a public forum and people will know who's who and bannish them from society.
Polaris Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 I had a good larf or two while reading this "We want to get into parliament so we have a voice. Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals," Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said. The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all. :roll: Good luck with these morons. There is a freakish yet remote possiblity that they'll actually get up and running.
Skjalg Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 No Klein, I'm not But then again, I'm not the one you should ask I dont fully agree with these people, but some changes wouldnt hurt (age of 12 is a little low) i dont think you really get the weight of this situation Skjalg.. I dont think you really got what I said either It's a party in wich self proclaimed pedophiles (old men who like having sex with underaged CHILDREN) want to legalize childporn and such because THEY want to have legal sex with KIDS. thats sick. i really dont agree on what youre saying. You dont have to agree, just understand that you think it is sick because the limit is 16/18 (and thats what makes it underaged, just imagine that border gone and then it doesnt seem so bad), just go back a few hundred years and it was perfectly normal. Go back a couple of more hundred years and it was normal for men to have boys as lovers... (This might, obviously, not be a valid point since there was loads of crap humans did at that time which has changed for the better, or has it?) Not saying its something I want to do, but Im saying that I dont judge people who are like that simply because it was so normal before, and as far as I can gather, people survived then too. And you are grossly exadurating when you are thinking that this will make it legal to rape, just because they are under 18. That also goes for the childporn, in almost all cases of childporn its done when the child doesnt want to and/or is under the his or hers sexual age (14~16). Videos where adults are raped are just as illegal... first of all, we are NOT equal to animals. we eat them. should i say its okay to kill and eat someone because animals do just the same? Yes. And we do. Its rare that animals eat one of their own kind, and when they do its most of the time because they are ravenous and havent eaten for months, and its a last resort. Same thing as humans do... Not saying its okay to go eat your neighbour, but at extreme circumstances its every man for himself. Its just the way life is, survival instinct kicks in. children at the age of 12 are not ready for sexual engagements, both physicly and mental. believe me, i study on this sort of crap. so what youre saying is not true. yes, they get their systems ready, but only does that mean theyll be ready by the age of 17 or so. having said that, i can safely state that in our society most children are mentally noet ready to engage in sexual activities before the age of 17 or so. untill then, all enrgie goes into BECOMING an adult, with his or her own visions on different situations, each with its own set of values. Look at it like this: kids before the age of +-17 are vonerable and its the society's task to protect them from any unhealthy invluences, like pedophiles and such. it's not likely a 12 year old has a good idea about having sex or having relations. Ah meh.. why bother explaining? it's just too obvious! Its not actually, If it had been normal to engage in sexual stuff at the age of 14, people would be ready at that time because society would make them ready... You put too little faith in whats possible. just a tip, read the article and try see it in the proper context... /same edit: okay well, I'll agree that these people are a little sick and I only read half the article... But as it is now its legal to have sex when you're 16 in norway, but most people I know first did it when they were 13~14... Would that make all my friends criminals?
Fletch Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 I'm moving this to political. Not because I'm trying to slight the thread or anything, but because it's dealing with politics.
Polaris Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 The Skjalg has spoken. Beware of Scandinavians
Grim- Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 I think Rape should be Legal, along with murder , molestation , hurting of animals. Stealing should be legal as well , as should all forms of harassment , blackmail , and ilegal trickery. Graphiti and destruction of property should be legal , but for gods sake , dont give out free Train Rides, wtf is wrong with this world
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