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When I saw the first video of Spore (6 months ago?), I was really impressed. Now the effect is much milder, I wonder when it will actually be released. Spore is certainly not the e3 highlight game.

ps. No DNF at E3 2006? Why am I not suprised :D


Spore doesn't appeal to me really - just not my sorta game. This video did nothing to change that.

csharp - this game isn't being hyped for its graphics :)


Draw distance is like 2meters, cool! This doesnt even has a great graphics so what makes this game good in middle of next-gen games?

"L0L R0fL tHoSe gRapHicS sUcK" :roll:

Ever heard of "gameplay" you cs kiddy? Spore is one of the most interesting game projects of all times. Will Wright is really striking a new path with that game.


this concept is awesome and probably deserves the title of next gen more than any other game.

And the graphics are really pretty nice, for something that is procedurally generated they still managed to give it an art style of its own


I agree, Spore looks great. The graphics aren't amazing (though it still has like a year of development left), but the concept and also the variety in gameplay sound stellar; just have to hope they can balance it so that the sandboxish nature of things doesn't work against it. But this is Will Wright, so I hold some faith.

Csharp you deserve to be called a cs kiddy when you say stupid stuff like that.


I agree, Spore looks great. The graphics aren't amazing (though it still has like a year of development left), but the concept and also the variety in gameplay sound stellar; just have to hope they can balance it so that the sandboxish nature of things doesn't work against it. But this is Will Wright, so I hold some faith.

Csharp you deserve to be called a cs kiddy when you say stupid stuff like that.

More like CSS kiddy, or maybe by now its UT2007 kiddy or Crysis kiddy :)


Draw distance is like 2meters, cool! This doesnt even has a great graphics so what makes this game good in middle of next-gen games?


Ungh, come on Csharp :roll:


Heh its funny too see this much skepticism about Spore, thought I was the only one that was showing doubt about it.

My main problem is that this sounds like an amazing experience in the first say 2-4 hours, but after that, when you reach all the strategy and the exploration of alien planets parts it starts sounding a lot less exciting to be honest.

I hope I'm wrong and it's totally awesome all the way through, but it's not nearly as interesting as it was back when they first showed it off.

Regarding the graphics I have no problems with em, sure they're not very cutting edge but they look like they're functional enough.


give this one a chance. I admit it could flop, but just because they are trying something new, and Wil Wright has made some good stuff before, I'm willing to give it a shot. Gameplay > graphics for something like this. Give me something cool to do that I've never done before and make it fun, and I'll by your game.


give this one a chance. I admit it could flop, but just because they are trying something new, and Wil Wright has made some good stuff before, I'm willing to give it a shot. Gameplay > graphics for something like this. Give me something cool to do that I've never done before and make it fun, and I'll by your game.

This is the only game I'm looking forward to and I can tell you with certainty that a lot of industry folks are looking forward to it with similar eagerness.

This won't flop at all.

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