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Everything happens with two at a time lately for me.

I made two strange levels. Both of them arent real levels like youre used to.

First of all I recently bought Far Cry and started messing in its editor. And altho its quite buggy at times for me I like it. I like it that much I even made something with it.

Verlan Island


More pics


http://phalanx.planetunreal.gamespy.com ... verlan.htm


The downside of it is that I couldnt be bothered of learning the editor completely so the map isnt playable. I didnt add any gameplay or objective or any thing, I just did it for fun and to get a nice picture basically.

I tried to make more areas but that didnt really worked out, I also have an aircraft crash area and stuff but that was too ugly.

I also really tried to not make yet another prefab and palm tree map like there are so many already so I picked a more original theme.

All textures including the terrain textures are mine, rock is normal mapped.

Vegitation/tree meshes are mine

Rocks and other stuff too

The ship and related detail isnt, its from the game.

I hope the brightness works out for everyone


DM Exz


And then I also made a UT2004 map with some new gameplay idea. The maps visuals are ok but nothing more. Lots of bsp and little detail basicaly but thats not important.

I tried to make a fun variation on gameplay but I got zero idea if I succeeded.

The map is made of one deep rocky shaft/pit with dozens of platforms all over the place. You spawn somewhere near the top and the only way out is jumping down. The only way to gain health, weapons, etc is to jump down and the only way to escape your enemy is to keep jumping down.

At the bottom of the pit are a couple of teleporters that take you back up.

So its an extreme Z action DM. Might suck, might be fun. I got no idea but the action is quite fast and "flying". You are constantly dropping down and attack your enemy in mid air.

There are 4 jumppads that can take you a few levels up again altho you can never reach the top that way.

Be sure to grab some jumpboots that are scattered around or else you will experience falling damage if you are not careful. Thats kinda the issue that Im running against. Falling damage.



Even if you dont got UT2004 you can prolly imagine the concept and the gameplay would work the same in HL2 or in Q4. Im looking for opinions and thoughts about the quite unusual concept.

If this works out ill remake the map for real. Prettier and better gameplay.



I LOVE that farcry map

and omg i dont believe it, your DM map is using the same concept I used for a HLDM map I made a long time ago... It's a pretty powerful concept and is insanely fun. I've played the map with up to 3 other people and the action is so fast its amazing... you can check it out here, the looks suck but that wasnt my concern...its a fun lil' map :)


Once again great work


I've seen a few attempts at this concept before, but I've yet to play one. I've a feeling they would probably work out better if there were a number of shafts that were linked in places as opposed to just a single shaft, which makes things kinda limited and movement very linear. I know the focus is on vertical gameplay, but I think using vertical gameplay only is missing out on just as much gameplay as horizontal gameplay only. 3 shafts or something with some corridors/windows/open caverns linking them together could add in that horizontal gameplay.

The Far Cry map looks hot, though I can't make out too much on my monitor.


oh forgot to mention, the difference in my map is the walls act like a ladder, so you can fall down, and then "fly" towards a wall and stick to it and stop as your enemy keeps falling, and take him out from above as you watch him fall. Realistic? No... Fun? Hell yeah!


Nice shit as always hourences!!

I LOVE that farcry map

and omg i dont believe it, your DM map is using the same concept I used for a HLDM map I made a long time ago... It's a pretty powerful concept and is insanely fun. I've played the map with up to 3 other people and the action is so fast its amazing... you can check it out here, the looks suck but that wasnt my concern...its a fun lil' map Smile


Once again great work

A map by kleinluka ? :o /me fears


bloody brilliant

Unbelievably enough i also made a map with this concept for hldm. Well kinda. One of the walls was made of see thru glass, and at the bottom of the pit was a teleporter that brought you to a spot where you could overlook the entire pit and shoot thru the glass with the TAU cannon to stop others from reaching the bottom.

But anyways, brilliant graphics on the farcry map, brilliant idea on the DM map.


well there is probably the best farcry scene i have ever seen.. maybe you could release the meshes and textures to the community seeing you wont use them

I also never played a vertical map like that eventhough ive seen something similar before. It would be very cool if there was a seamless transition from the top to bottom


Thx for the comments and the frontpage plug thing

I didnt knew so many people already made a vertical map. Im going to present it to the UT mapping community tonight and see what kind of response that gives.

Peri > the meshes used only work in my level, it wont be of much use to the community. It are less than 10 meshes and the big rocks are messy made due to the smooth modifier. The textures are just color variations on my released texture packs so they can get it from there too :)

I didnt made the DM seamless because I felt it wasnt worth paying for the feature with a whole range of bugs that seamless looping also creates.

But glad you all like it :)

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