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O. M. G.

http://ryansgoblog.com/67/beyond-good-a ... roduction/

http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/15/beyon ... s-surface/


It is officially classed as a rumour, but my God, if this turns out to be true then I will become one of the happiest people in history.

If you haven't played it yet, I highly recommend doing so — I'm sure KFS and various others will also jump in here and double/triple/etc my recommendation if they spot it. It is a seriously good game, and one of the few that I — as I said in my blogging above — would put into the same class as Monkey Island and Grim Fandango.

It came out on all three home consoles, which I'm sure everyone has one of lying around. It still looks pretty hot too thanks to good art direction, as long as you don't play on the PC as the port was pretty bad from what I saw.



Play it now. I agree with everything you said. I think. PC port was OK, not great but certainly was great on consoles.

A real shame so many didn't play it and that many still wont, no matter how many times we order them to :(


Here ye go — high-resolution trailer. :D

The trailer does make it seem a little excessively actiony though, which it really isn't. It does have manyabsolutely cracking action sequences, but overall it's quite a laid-back and traditional game in many respects, with the atmosphere of an adventure game and a storyline/characters which are an unbelievable joy to be amongst.

It really is a classic and is not to be missed; in fact, all this talking about it has urged me to dig it out this weekend for a replay! Miss out on it and die.

It came from Mr. Rayman, Little Big Adventure and King Kong, by the way.


Great game, and so underappreciated commercially, so I really hope this sequel does happen. I saw a similar rumour in a UK games mag about a year ago...probably less actually, but never a peep since.

I'll probably just get shouted at for saying this, but I can't help but feel its one of those games that people promote so hard and create almost false love for because it was so underappreciated on release. I picked up a copy and played it solid for a weekend, and was charmed by it completely - the soundtrack, the setting, the characters all gave it a loveable atmosphere that wasn't taking itself too seriously. On the other hand, I felt it was completely underachieving of its potential - it was over before you felt it had started. It leads you into thinking there is this world to explore once you get your hovercraft upgraded enough to do so, but you reach that point and it just...ends. You get this huge list of pearls at the start, thinking you can go around searching for them all, but instead they just lump them all together then hand them to you in groups, completely undermining the whole "loads to do" suggestion that is given to begin with.

Little rant over - great game, and I really hope this sequel hits as it is one game that really deserves it. I just hope it gives you a little more room to breathe, Zelda stylee, without sacrificing its style.


Yeah, there's no doubt about it that it probably didn't meet was what originally inspired; despite this, it was still an excellent game and is extremely memorable. I guess they kind of expected to launch straight into a sequel (judging from the ending) and the fill it out that way, but sadly that never ended up happening.

No good game has been perfect though, and even incredible titles such as Grim Fandango and Psychonauts came with their selection of flaws. When I look back at games I tend to blur the specifics a little and just look at the overall memory of the experience, and in the case of BGAE it is an extremely pleasant one. :) A contrast to most other games I play, where I'm more liable to name a number of specific good parts as opposed to the whole thing.

Well, at least not until now, if true. Ancel has stated numerous times that he'd love to continue the series — perhaps that's where the original rumours began.


BGaE, whilst having great production values and a good many other things going for it, just never grabbed me. Tried to get into it a few times but it just never really worked for me, it was just a bunch of stuff that happened and was forgettable 2 minutes later.

I'm tasteless I guess :)


Having just started at Ubi France on Monday, I can tell you we were as surprised to read about this article as the rest of you. No one's heard of it and I have Michel Ancel ten feet away as I type this. I'm not saying it's true or false, we just haven't heard anything so far

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