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As a mapper, I find it awefully hard to find custom envoirement models for HL2. While there is a huge amount of sites who offer CS:S playermodels, HL2 deathmatch models and DOD:S custom playermodels, there's almost no site dedicated to envoirementmodels for HL2. I guess this has also to do with the relatively short time HL2 has been around, but I thought maybe one of you guys know a good site for HL2 custom envoirement models.

And before anyone mentions: I don't know how to model myself and if I would have the time I'd certainly train myself. But I do not have the time, so making models mself is not an option. Unfortunatly.



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Learning to use max or milkshape (and others, I'm sure) takes less time than you might think to reach a level at which you can knock out props, but it's the skinning that kills it for me. I don't know the first thing about texture creation, and without that, props aren't much use :( I too have had little success finding custom models for source, but to be honest I think it's down to there simply not being much. These days it all seems to be done with mods in mind, or if not then for specific maps (often with the prop modeller being the level designer too). I suggest raiding the GCFs of other mods, or downloading plenty of maps that use custom resources and asking permission to use them.

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would models actually be cheaper than displacements? i can throw oodles of displacements in my maps and it barely tics the fps counter... would displacements even export?

yes you can export them and yes models are somewhat cheaper, but the problem is the vertex lighting. you will get some odd lighting results and dynamic props (physics, npcs) won't cast a shadows on the ground.

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Is there a better way to export from hammer -> max than using .dxf files? DXF is almost useless (faces inverted, each poly is a separate object unless you weld everything, which just causes the vertices to become even more erroneous in position in relation to the original .vmf geometry). Some kind of .map or .vmf import would be stellar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a better way to export from hammer -> max than using .dxf files? DXF is almost useless (faces inverted, each poly is a separate object unless you weld everything, which just causes the vertices to become even more erroneous in position in relation to the original .vmf geometry). Some kind of .map or .vmf import would be stellar.

What modelling program do you use?

In Max it's quite easy to get DXF imports to work properly - You just need to flip all the normals on the imported objects and then collapse them into a single mesh, and you're good to go.

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