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Oh hay guys.

It's an interesting coincidence that this thread popped up, because I was just popping into the old mapping community for a bit of nostalgia. I can't believe how long it's been. I reckon at least 3 years since I was a regular around these parts (or in those days, the cs.net mapping forums). I never really had a website, I still have all my old textures and maps, but I don't have anywheres to host them. Anyways, it's nice checking in with you guys; are any of the other 'oldschoolers' still around? Mojo, Fletch, Mikezilla, Waldo, Euro*Brew, and any others I forgot


Q*E; Mikey, Mojo, Zaph, show up regularly for the most part, Brew shows up in the channel every once and awhile, and Waldo dissappeared some time ago :( And our lovable Fletch is still around once and awhile.

er... i mean... they died... in... fire :-\ i suck

  • 1 month later...

Q*E; Mikey, Mojo, Zaph, show up regularly for the most part, Brew shows up in the channel every once and awhile, and Waldo dissappeared some time ago :( And our lovable Fletch is still around once and awhile.

er... i mean... they died... in... fire :-\ i suck

I was assimilated into the Combi.. err Collective...

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