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Premier game developer in Northern California is searching for a dedicated and talented Level Designer for their newest Action Adventure title for the Xbox 360, PSX3 and PC. They are looking for a Level Designer who has an undying work ethic, is eager to take on new challenges and has a desire to work on a team that is dedicated to make the best game possible. This developer is committed to equipping its team with the best resources available as well as providing excellent salaries, bonuses, full benefits and relocation assistance if necessary. This Level Designer will play a significant role in executing the ambitious vision of this new Action Adventure title.



• 3+ years game industry or related design experience

• PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (prefer at least one commercially successful title shipped)

• Experience with level editing tools (Quake, Unreal, etc.) is required

• Experience in other 3D modeling programs (3DSMax, Maya) a plus

• Must be able to develop architecture from photo reference and texture map detailed environments

• Should be able to design and develop game-play for both single and multiplayer

If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume in Word format to:

Candace Walker



I just want to mention that the way your recruiting inst very appealing

as in, your only writing what you want/expect, what does the artist gain and also a link to the companies website wouldnt be a bad thing, not to mention that i dont really have a clue what the actual name of the company is premier games?

just a sugestion, good luck


There seem to be some rules about recuitment agencies witholding the company name - I've applied through a recruitment agency before and wasn't told the company name until I got an interview, and one of my flatmates got called yesterday by them and again, they didn't say who the company was (just the location...which in Scotland is normally as good as telling you the company name!).


Privacy reasons? How about that the recruiter wouldn't get paid if you knew who the company was and just applied directly? :P

haha, yeah now you're thinking.

Headhunters need to eat too... but i also think that many game devs don't handle hires in house. I'm not really sure but they have other things to worry about then placing ads and recruiting teams.


I had a good experience talking to a guy from this company right before I started at Raven, but it was just as I was getting the offer that we were in discussion. You get info on companies if you're contacting them directly.

I probably would have stuck with it if my current arrangements hadn't worked out.

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