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[PLOBLEM] 9800pro @ xt not showing some resolutions?


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Hi guys,

Here is my issue:

I have bought a 9800pro, flashed to xt stock speeds. The card has a r360 core and is being cooled by a powerfull artic silencer. I have never had any problems concerning artifacts or other fooked up things on my monitor.

The thing is: my monitor goes into standby mode when I put it on the following resolutions: 1280 x 1024, and: 1360 x 1024. Of course I allready tried a few things, respectively:

- flashed from xt to pro and vice versa

- locked refreshrates at lowest

- adjusted voltages

- tried another monitor

- tried several drivers, including older drivers and omega drivers

- updated to latest mobo bios

- reinstalled drivers, after removing all drivers (nvida, ati and onboard s3)

- installed windows servicepack 2

It's not that it's impossible because I have gotten this card to display the mentioned resolutions but that was when I just flashed the card. Windows was 'recognizing' the newly flashed card as 'new' and did not make use of the allready installed ati drivers. When I restarted my pc, I again, was unable to load the mentioned resolutions.

I am out of solutions (no pun intended, lam0r). Can anybody help me? Advice is greatly appreciated!

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Well i can only speak for me and I have had problems with refreshrate and resolution before even though i had right drivers for the card, but when i used the right ones for my monitor i solved it.

I don't think generic monitors can handle everything.

I know for a fact that it doesn't handle all refreshrates because i just recently (2 days ago) tried to change it on my monitor and i don't have the right drives.

Anyways here you have the drives for your monitor, only drawback is that you have to register, but thats cheep for a driver you need.

Its at Driverguide and if you google it you probably could find it elsewhere and maybe even without have to register.


At least its worth a try, and if nothing else it always feels better when you know you have the right stuff for your things.


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