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So are video games art?

Vinny Testaverde

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Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid) says they aren't

http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?optio ... 8&Itemid=2

For me I think they are a unique form of art, they combine many aspects of whats makes art art... and more over allow for the user to interact with them

You have visuals, stories, acting, etc and you get to interact with them... Not all video games are good art, but some are I think, like final fantasy and half life perhaps? (Ive never played final fantasy but the screenshots look breathtaking)

Art doesnt have to be from just one person...

In the future I think the traditional art world will start to accept digital art more and more and video games are a part of it... The computer can allow for anything the mind can think of to be translated into visuals or audio, or stories or whatever the hell you want

Anyways if movies are art, then so are video games, if movies are not art then I agree with Mr. Kojima...

Whats your take?

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Would you consider Chess or Monopoly art?

Because, the way I see it, videogames are just a set of rules varying in complexity.

They are experiences defined by that set of rules. I agree that some of the elements in a game could be considered art (soundtrack, aesthetics), but the whole "games as art form" movement seems a little pointless to me.

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Would you consider Chess or Monopoly art?

Because, the way I see it, videogames are just a set of rules varying in complexity.

They are experiences defined by that set of rules. I agree that some of the elements in a game could be considered art (soundtrack, aesthetics), but the whole "games as art form" movement seems a little pointless to me.

So you would say that a painting isn't art because it is painted on a surface? Surface which could be stone, wood or fabric, so is a wall art? Or pair of pants?

The rules are just part of a whole, just like in painting, the surface is meaningless when compared to the combination of surface, paint and the story that the painting is trying to tell. Maybe none of the parts itself can be considered art per se, but just like many great things, when combined, it's more than the sum of it's parts.

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My point is that games are limited by their own rules.

Traditional media are representational, videogames are simulational. The player defines his/her own experience.

Maybe in the future the language of videogames will grow to the point where we can start effectively conveying ideas and feelings, and start being accepted as an art form. But, from my personal experience, no game has touched me the way some movies/music/paintings have done; and that's why I'm inclined to think of them as very pretty boardgames.

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Taking the most enjoyable movie I have seen in my life, and taking the most enjoyable experience with a game that I ever had, I would say that games take me deeper than movies.

Games are definedly an artform, yes, they serve different purpose from movies, poetry, paintings, but I wouldn't compare them all together anyway, a painting can never achieve what a movie can, but movie can't achieve what a poem can, and poem can never achieve what a game can.

It is interactive, and it has a set of rules (or boundaries if you will) but does it lessen the effort to made in the game? Does it lessen the artistic view of the developers? No.

The same boundaries and group effort can be found in movies and theater too, boundaries where they can't do everything imagination can, and there are different parts that make up the whole. So what I think is, that if you don't consider game to be art, then you are fool to consider any other modern media as an art.

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