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D-Day 1944: Operation Overlord is looking for animators!

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Hi guys,

1944 D-Day Op. Overlord, a promising WW2 based HL2 mod, is looking for animators for their HL2 MOD.

If you have experience with animating and like to help out a very promissing MOD, please contact Ronan: recruit'at'franticgames.com or come by at the forums at: http://www.1944game.com.

Please be shure to add some reference stuff to show of your skillz.

Of course, everybody is welcome on the forums!

- tomato

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i think the team is overshooting what is capable for a non-professional game.

I concur somewhat, I remember when I spoke to someone regarding the mod, they were telling me it was a game not a mod. I kept asking what engine and they were like "Half-life 2" so I was like "..So it's a modification?" "NO ITS A GAME" Then they were like you can join if you have 3 years in game industry experience.

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Ahem. Time out.

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1) Be respectful. It is very easy to make fun of posts we think are dumb. But if they follow the above rules, we will respect the threads. If you think the mod is dumb, close the page and do something else.

This is starting to become repetitive behavior, so I'm going to politely remind everybody to please follow that rule a bit more.

Also, saying please wouldn't kill some of you.

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