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For everybody that has purchased fear recently, ive compiled a video you can learn tactics from the defeat the terrifying artifical intelligence in fear. In it i kill around 20 clone soldiers without using slowmotion (most of the time) and escape barely touched. The secret?

Watch it yourself!


no JAL, they reportedly have the best AI seen so far in a videogame. My debilitating tactics just confuse them and makes them seen dumb. Before fea it was hl's marines which had the best AI


well you see, theyre actually running at me while the other one is shooting at me, but im running straight into them also.

Anyways the maps in fear are really ugly, but its more about the firefights and theyre superb


Yes, the AI in FEAR is rather excellent -- RD just makes them look dumb in this video. They crawl around objects to surprise you and all sorts when playing a bit less enthusiastically. Definitely the best AI yet.

Best video evr!!


difficulty : easy

more like supereasy... Like, when you enter that hallway and suddenly the left side of the hallway opens into a new room and theres some enemies in there, plus the enemies infront of you, i usually lost half my life trying to cross the hallway (just sidescrolling while shooting, and getting back).

You didnt even get hit. They are missing you on purpose, and dont even run away when you throw a grenade..

To fully show the AI, you should atleast play on medium, so the soldiers dont act dumb..


Actually its on hard mode. I was constantly replenishing my health with 9 medkits, and i did several takes for that video cuz i died about 10 times playing like that.

And the nades are proximity mines, they dont camp waiting for it to disappear (which it never will if they camp) and there is no route to go past it. If you looked closely you would see my first nade kills 1 guy when i throw it at 3 of em, the second one kills 1 guy and the last one doesnt kill any.


id just like to say that playing on moderate difficulty is extremely challenging. Anyone who buys a $50 game and plays it on easy obviously isn't looking for a challenge, they are looking to quickly finish it.

I can't imagine playing it on a harder lvl.

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