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Design internships at Factor 5

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So Factor 5 is going to be looking for a couple of design interns in the next little while. If you're in school and can get credit for it, that would be great. Passionate people from the mod community would fit the bill really well. I know there's not a lot of US peeps here but it's best if you're already in the US or better yet the bay area. If not there may be some relocation assistance especially if you're in school.

Put a little resume/portfolio together and email it to me: mars.jokela at the company's domain name.

*Edit: just to be clear this is not *only* for students. If you're out of school or just an aspiring level designer willing to come out here for awhile, please send your stuff over.

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Heh, we've still got an office there but it's just programmers.

Belgarion if you're in the US and willing to come out here there's no reason not to send your stuff over :)

I don't know how feasible it might be but if there's a really awesome foreign candidate they might work something out. It might be easier if you're in school, I really don't know. If you are in a game design school overseas ask them if they have any experience sending people to the US for internships.

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*Edit: just to be clear this is not *only* for students. If you're out of school or just an aspiring level designer willing to come out here for awhile, please send your stuff over.
Read that lee ;)

yeah that edit must have been made after I asked :). Does a level designer create artwork? or only position it in the environments?

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From what I understand we're looking for people pretty soon, the next couple months most likely. I guess around December semesters will be ending at colleges so if we get students it will likely be around then.

Yeah Lee I made the edit after your comment :). Designers make placeholder assets and position objects in levels, much like props in hammer. As the tools team improves our editor, exporters and such you'd probably be making some assets and heightmaps and working through the whole pipeline as new tools need to be tested.

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