Lee3dee Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 Since alot of you guys are playing quake 4, I decided to buy the other game FEAR. I figured i'd pickup quake 4 a little later. Impression for FEAR only 3 hours into the game. Its alot of room, corridors. Seems like the same designer must make the rooms the same in all games. hehe. The normal mapping looks great and is not overly used. Only in the places that need the technology. The firefights are amazing, and you'll be ducking for cover alot. The melee combinations are a great way of taking down your opponents, but its a shame that there's no announcer "awesome combo!" hehe. The Computer AI is some of the best I have seen. Enemies will knock over tables and other objects around the room to take cover. The slow-mo effect is great in those me vs 10 guys senarios. The game definately requires a good video card and CPU to play with the cool effects turned on. Anyways, what are other people first impressions? or is everyone playing Quake4 or Shadows of Colossos Quote
ginsengavenger Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 i'll gladly tell you once i can play it . my computer is fucked, trying to repair... Quote
FrieChamp Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 I'm also playing it, good shooter, very straightforward. The first levels made my eyes bleed (the storage and sewers) the offices look way better. But as you can tell from the names of the environments, nothing new there. Monolith also hasn't outdone itself on the game design part, you simply shoot through friendly characters and get no feedback at all, the bullet time mode...well.... :roll: ...it doesn't work as well for me as in Max Payne (or in The Specialists), because you can't do any stunts. Except for the melee attacks which have been kinda useless to me till this point because I never get so close to an enemy. Talking about enemies, the AI is very good I agree, the throwing over tables stuff etc. is scripted I believe, but jumping over railings, crawling beneath waist high obstacles and the like is quite good. They lean and fire out of cover rather well and move really fast which adds to the combat. Those stealth ninjas are also a cool unit, scared the hell out of me I was impressed by the sound, I think it's pretty good and nails the mood of a room most of the time very well. Overall a good game, haven't looked much into multiplayer yet. Quote
Mazy Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 I quite liked it, but the lack of variation in the level locations and the horror stuff made it less good than I had hoped for. Really liked the slomo stuff, looked awesome, yet frie does have a valid point about the lack of dodging around stuff and so on, but i still think the melee stuff you got makes it quite cool. Anyway, allround a good game, not much for the overall visual side of it (hate them pitch black sharp dynamic shadows anymore tbh). Sweet ending too~(NO SPOILAH!) Quote
Grinwhrl Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 Amazing game. 9.5 out of 10. This game has the best fight sequences to date. The AI is so intellegent. Very, very Intense gameplay. Unlike Quake and many other games including HL2, This game has not skipped once for me. For all the people who say this game is a computer haul, i dont beileve it because this game runs smooth like butter on my machine where hl2, quake 4 for example skip at times. Quote
D3ads Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 Meh, it's gotta be a system setup thing or something, I might attempt to run the demo on the lowest settings later if I'm feeling suicidal Quote
Tequila Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 Environments = yawn. Combat = yay. Fortunately the combat is so damn good it doesn't really matter than the level design and art direction are forgettable. It's a pretty classy game. Quote
Nysuatro Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 Wow man this is really nice. Never bought a scary game but i had to have this one ^^ Quote
D3ads Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 I had a go at running the demo, set everything to medium and turned off the fancy bells and whistles, runs damn good really much more so than say Quake 4. I'd consider buying the full thing if it runs as well as the demo does Oh btw how do you take screenshots without using print screen? Quote
Algor Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 The maps are nothing new, or nothing creative unlike things we have seen before. Same office buildings and warehouses for eternity, rarely using anything other than right angles. Celebration is called for when a rare angled ceiling or round piillar appears. The amount of variation in the objects is sickening, I swear they must have only like 50 props in the entire game to use, and they seem to re-use the same select 5-10 all over the place. As mentioned the AI is really good, I often see them doing really cool things and I am pretty much always impressed. Their dialogue is usually pretty spot on, sometimes offering detailed things like "hes up in the window" yet sometimes saying stuff like "hes trying to flank" when I am standing still or charging straight at them. I guess no system is without it's flaws. I really could care less about the story, yet it is presented in such short snippets it does not really get to me too much. It always seems like the phone messages are "Hey buddy whats going on over there" or that the laptop messages are always "Hmm this is interesting, I dont know what it means, I'll look into it". The combat is easily the best part of the game, all the weapons feel great and they all seem to have a good purpose in taking down the enemy. The feedback of shooting and melee attacking enemies is probably the best I have experienced yet, they definately nailed that part. The melee system is pretty cool, although a bit touchy at times (ie; trying to slide tackle and you end up just doing a crouch melee attack). I have not finished the game yet, but I feel like I'm very close. Quote
JynxDaddy Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 I love it I like the settings, they seem realistic to me (except for the convienant vent systems). My only problem is the guns, on medium settings atleast, they look very boring, even with the subtle lighting effects. I will have to replay it when I have a better computer, with everything on max and softshadows on. I love the slowmo and how fast and clever the bad guys are, they run for cover while shooting backwards with one arm One thing that bugs me is how there are the health and reflex powerups, I've found most of them, but sometimes when exploring, you take the right direction and end up miles away or at the end of the level. Oh and its scary for me but I enjoy it. Quote
FrieChamp Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 I really could care less about the story, yet it is presented in such short snippets it does not really get to me too much. It always seems like the phone messages are "Hey buddy whats going on over there" or that the laptop messages are always "Hmm this is interesting, I dont know what it means, I'll look into it". Yea it's a mixture of Doom 3 and FarCry. Voice files and guy on the radio. Anybody noticed the big Alienware logo on the laptops? :roll: Quote
Kosmo Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 For some reason I associate Fear with Max Payne games, the feeling is bit the same and the world is almost like the one from Max Payne (sans the horror) with it's dirty and dank feeling. One reason I like Fear way more than Doom 3, the action is good in opposite of Doom's everything being just so boring, and the horror even if it is borrowed largely from Japanese horror flics, is way better than "oh, yet another monster x coming from behind a panel in the wall" or something like that. Quote
JynxDaddy Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 Just Finished it, anyone else find that 'secret' room with the Cowboy and the cool music? My computer hanged for a bit when it loads that music, and I could hear it in a vent in another part of the level, dont know if you can hear it without having been in that room though. Quote
Mazy Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 I have no idea what you're talking about Jynx, but I like it Btw, Alienware luv ~ Quote
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