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Hey guys, I'm currently working on a portfolio for myself and would appreciate people's thoughts and suggestions on it before I get TOO committed to the way it is. Obviously there isn't really anything much in the way of content there just yet (other than a hoarde or thumbnails) but comments on the style and layout would be appreciated. Thanks :)



Youre using small pixel typefaces in huge texts. Dont do it. Also that orange doesnt work quite well... Gray/Orange combination is old and done way too many times, try something new :)


yeah I agree with the capitals. For some reason I always read capitals as though smoeone was yelling something at me. Must be a cognitive thing.

Yup. Agreed on that.

I like the rest of the layout though. Good job! :)


Not bad, the orange makes your page pop out a bit.

You could set the letter spacing in RENO a little tighter, which allows you to expand VATION so that they both align properly. Just a matter of typography. Perhaps align your "circular" logo so that it optically aligns with the top of the R from RENO as well.

Font in your menu bar looks totally out of place, get rid of that immediately and replace it with something more suitable (same for copyrighting).

As for the maps, be sure to use lowercase. Capitals is great for slogans and titles, but not for entire parts of text, which is supposed to give the viewer a pleasant and informative view on the map aside of seeing it visually.

Which brings me to the next issue, you probably had this in mind, but be sure to include full sized pictures of those screenshots. ;)


Hehe yeah, thumbnails are just there to test layout, obviously they will ACTUALLY link to full size versions eventually :) Map description text has now been shifted to lower case - was a bit "unfriendly" I guess. I'll probably have to change the links into images if I want to use the same font as I've used elsewhere on the page, but its hardly gonna be a huge additional file size or anything.

Hey, it's gotta be better than this, right?


Little update, fixing the font and changing the title image a bit (a circle wasn't really in keeping with the rest of the design).


EDIT: IE screws up a the page a bit (links and copyrght info sit too high, "indent.gif" which is at the bottom of each table segment is pushed too far right and looks daft), and I've spent ages trying to fix it unsuccessfully. If any HTML guru's feel generous and bored and take a look at the page source for the problem, I would appreciate it. For now, I sleep. 9am maths tomorrow. Argh.


I like the look, how each level is in a separate box. Im guessing when you click info, you'll get a new window that shows larger pictures of the level and the info?

The Orange is a nice bright color that goes well with the grey and white. I would like to see maybe next to the name, the game it was designed for.

If I was quickly scanning the website and didn't want to click every info icon having the game info next to the title may help any HR people checking out the website.


Use the orange for just accent lines. The huge space of orange at the top causes the eyes to have trouble focusing. Also, consider having at least 4 visible shots for each map in a line, then the description below it. That way anyone looking at your portfolio has an immediate selection to look at. You never know what is going to draw their particular interest. If you have 4 pictures, hopefully one drwas them in. If it is only one, that one might not be their cup of tea and they'll miss something else. Otherwise, good layout. Simple, easy to read, easy to navigate. No bullshit.


yeah, each level in each box is good, but i think theres missing something at the bottom of each box in a way... not sure what it is tho.. Every box has this orange line at the top of it, but the bottom just dont have anything... But it looks good :P

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