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*HAMMER* Grid not even. Hammer bug?

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Sometime I have been cooping with this little problem: sometimes when I change grid alot (by pressing [ or ]) I have troubles getting the grid right.

In the case of the screenshot, you can see in the upperright screen the grid is messed up.

Is there anything I can do about this? Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance for your answers,





What's your problem you transvestite? Pls find another outlet for your sexual frustration then the forums, like homeless people...

I backed the name out because I liked to keep it secret for descretionreasons, now you posted the name so a new upload couln't even correct my mistake.

Thx a bunch u cheapskate...

I posted this because I needed help, not get flamed for (pretty dang stupid) mistakes.

So curman gets the GTFO U FAGGET prize.

Congratulations and don't hurt your ass slamming the familiar door behind you...

Btw, the center of your sig looks like an anus. How freudian. :)


I don't notice anything wrong with the grid...

Well, look at the upperright window. It has unparallel lines in the grid. The other two windows have normal grid. You have to look at it a little while to see it too. At least: I had.


I don't notice anything wrong with the grid...

Well, look at the upperright window. It has unparallel lines in the grid. The other two windows have normal grid. You have to look at it a little while to see it too. At least: I had.

Well, I'll assume that by "unparallel" you mean they aren't perfectly spaced out. Hammer does that occassionally when the grid lines are zoomed out. It doesn't have any effect on the map itself, it's just a pixel display issue. Just zoom in or out (your scrollwheel) or run at a higher res.

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