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hey i just wanted to say my site now has an upload section for you textures and sprays so that people can go and dl them. I know most of you have your own sites and things but i just thought it would be a chance to help everyone else out by posting things that your not goign to use in any of your current maps.


the submit button is at the top.

once we get the modeling section up and running you guys can start uploading those too :D


It's a little bit confusing atm. It seems like you have a water shader pack, few textures, a source photo and a decal. You should organize this stuff a bit and add descriptions.


I see vivi has been pimping the site again, LOL

He just showed me this thread so I thought I'd join. I'm the one that basically made iwannamap from scratch, its been long and hard but its getting there slowly.

The file system for the textures is pretty basic atm, it was pretty much just a quick throw it together and get it up while i was in the mood, but I'm gonna be making it a lot more user friendly soon, in that you'll be able to specify a category for the texture to go in. Also once I figure out a way around the 2mb html upload limit, it'll be workable to add texture packs which have more than one texture.

so yeah, hopefully pretty soon we should have a pretty awesome collection of textures for people to download, along with models once I code up that section.


OK, I just threw together a quick category system, so at least now once a few more textures get added, you wont have to search through all of them to find the types you want. I need to go through and prettify it a bit, but it works how it should and thats the main thing.

[end edit]

  • 2 years later...

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