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Half Life 2. Do anybody know the texture resolutions and the corresponding poly counts for the models? Yes, I have googled for half an hour now - better ask people in the know directly...

I heard that the ordinary characters, like combine and such were 3000 polygons. What about the texture resolution for that? Was Alyx not like 8000 polygons? What about her textures?

I need to prove a point to my lecturers. I don't wanna model no 3000 poly thing and texture it with a crummy 512 map...


You don't have HL2 yourself, I assume?

Anyway, Alyx is a bit over 8.000 poly's, a combine soldier is roughly 4.500 poly's, excluding weaponry.

Alyx uses a 1024x512 map for the head and a 1024x1024 map for the rest of the body, and a few small additional maps for the emp tool, eyes and mouth and such. Think of average 64x64 maps.

Combine soldiers use a 1024x1024 map and as far as I know no other maps. They don't have a real face anyway... ;)


Ooooh, I'm glad someone brought this up as I was going to ask a similar question.. For single-player do you think that 512x512 for face, legs/feet and torso/arms/hand is sufficient for a single-player character? I mean 512x512 for each segment, not all the parts.. I'm not actually working with source yet but I will in the future so I thought I should ask.


Depends on what sort of character it is, if it has a human face or not and if the player will often see it up-close or usually from a distance. I would use the Valve models as a reference for it, if I would be doing characters... ;)

I think 512x512 is fine for a character.

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