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prop - file cabinet

General Vivi

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i was working on this for a couple of days on and off and this is my final product. Its a file cabinet that has detachable drawrs, which leads to a pretty good number of combinations. I.E. 2 draws sticking out on in , or 1 draw out 2 in. or 1 in 1 out and not a 3rd one. :D then you have to add the 3 diff drawrs i made :D its pretty fun and it wont seem repetative.

here is a picture of it in the model viewer.


here is it in action


-------- now COMMENTS PLEASE-------

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  • 3 months later...

bit of a bump there, isnt it?

Used 3dsmax to make it, the valve smd exporter, he manually edited the .qc files (hats off to him, I use cannonfodders tools, google it). That'll be it if you compile using cannonfodder's tools or using the studiomodel compiler.

I know 'cause I live across the road from the guy.

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