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Well, the outside seems pretty plain. Kinda flat and boring imho.

As for the second shot, I hate the lighting. Not very intersting, lacks any type of atmosphere. If your able to pain your way throught the third level of Swat 4, they show a night club, hopefullly you would be able to get some inspirtaion from that. tis well done.

And that is the worst bar ever!!!!! :-D needs more booze!


Well this is all built off a real place. The guy who wants the map done wants it spot on (including lighting), so theres nothing i could really do. So far all the lights are in the same areas as the real place, but a few lightblocks here and there couldent hurt i guess.


Yup, here ya go:




The map has been stretched out so that its not as crunched up as players would have a really hard time navagating through the areas. Detail has also been toned down in places as the map already gets ~40 fps and occasionally drops as low as 20 fps which needs to be fixed somehow.


The map has been stretched out so that its not as crunched up as players would have a really hard time navagating through the areas. Detail has also been toned down in places as the map already gets ~40 fps and occasionally drops as low as 20 fps which needs to be fixed somehow.

Hm. My first thought was that it's really wide open and kind of lacking in cover, even indoors. Granted most of Valve's maps feel really close quartered, but I think you may have taken it a bit too far in the other direction.

And, well, real life was never intended for game engine performance, but it's hard to explain that to the laymen you're working for ;)


Yeah i know its not exactly the best CS:S map, but i map what they tell me to map (originally i had a map half-finished which was my own creation of a strip club but they dismissed it and told me to make this current map). It was either stretch the map out horizontally (which is what i did), or make it wider. It was easier to stretch it horizontally as it didnt interfere with as much geometry as making it wider would. After playtests the map plays pretty well, as theres many paths to take, but yes, theres little cover unless you purposely find somewhere to hide yourself from bullets.

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