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http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/09/27/evolu ... index.html

Intelligent design has and still is believed in by many, now when you teach theories of origin of life why only single out the evolution one?

I mean if the evidence for evolution being responsible for life is so overwhelming what is the harm?

And why does intelligent design rule out evolution and vice versa?

Darwin thought that evolution was the tool of an intelligent design.

I can’t be the only one thinking that DNA seems to be a pretty clever thing to spontaneously appear?

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And why does intelligent design rule out evolution and vice versa?

Darwin thought that evolution was the tool of an intelligent design.

I can’t be the only one thinking that DNA seems to be a pretty clever thing to spontaneously appear?

bingo. I believe unwaveringly that evolution is the process by which all species have become what they are today, starting with that first spark of life in the muck way back when. How that muck sparked life, I haven't heard a good answer to in a long time.

I wouldn't have much of a problem with ID being mentioned in schools if they would approach it with a little more thought and modesty. What they're doing is presenting it, in science classrooms, as an outright and exclusive alternative to the scientific process.

District policy requires school administrators to read a statement before classes on evolution that says Charles Darwin's theory is "not a fact" and has inexplicable "gaps."

Both of those quoted statements are false and misleading. The problem is that ID proponents only want to use it as a wedge to bring outright discussions about God and Creation into schools and even worse, into science classrooms. I'd bet hard money that most of them don't even understand evolution.

Many of these kids are so dumb already (remember this is the American education system), they're already bewildered by the complexity of evolution and this will give them an excuse not to pay attention when they should be learning about it. They're going to believe the easiest solution even if it doesn't hold water. I don't want any seed of doubt planted in their little brains about the scientific method - their parents and preachers can do that well enough on their own time.


Evolution can be taught in science courses, intelligent design can be taught in religion courses. Whats so hard to understand about this? As far as the evidence in the matter is concerned, intelligent design is a religious theory, not a scientific one.


In religion and social studies courses they teach kids about various religions - they don't teach religious belief as fact which is what the ID people want. The only religious fact courses are at private religious schools, which is where these people should be sending their kids if that's what they want them taught.


Evolution can be taught in science courses, intelligent design can be taught in religion courses. Whats so hard to understand about this? As far as the evidence in the matter is concerned, intelligent design is a religious theory, not a scientific one.

Its not necessarily religious, unless u call evrything intelligent in space god. If there was some intelligent design in our DNA, its not necessarily created by a god. We could be the genetically manipulated children of the Annunaki .


Evolution can be taught in science courses, intelligent design can be taught in religion courses. Whats so hard to understand about this? As far as the evidence in the matter is concerned, intelligent design is a religious theory, not a scientific one.

Its not necessarily religious, unless u call evrything intelligent in space god. If there was some intelligent design in our DNA, its not necessarily created by a god. We could be the genetically manipulated children of the Annunaki .

Intelligent design as most want it taught is inherently religious.


Well, Man has dabbled with many things in the world, changed the course of species and natural selection, so I'd say that Intelligent design is true from about 15th century and up.


Intelligent Design has no place in a science classroom or a science curriculum because...


It's just a not-so-sneaky attempt to inject evangelicalism into our public school systems. Read the Discovery Center's website sometime and look at their 15 year goals. They want religious schools, not science. They want their brand of religion as the official law of the land. They are essentially the American Taliban in waiting.

didnt we have this discussion before :???:

Anyways, dna is really too intelligent to b dumb.

So obviously God needs to be in the gaps of knowledge we haven't figured out yet. Yes, that's honest science and patently without fault. :sarcasm:


My point exactly! :-P

It didn't spontaneously appear. It was the action of millions upon millions of generations of self replicating amino acids and RNA before mutation and good old evolution found another way to do things that just happened to allow "better" reproduction.


It's beyond me how people can just think that "some outside force must have created life since it is so complicated", what part of the "hundreds of millions of years of evolution" don't they get? Besides, there are species that "evolve" almost every generation and have severe mutions with the slightest complication like radiation and genetic mixing.

Why is it so totally fucking impossible for something to happen when millions of years have passed? Todays average human has way better immunity levels than average person from 1900s, and that my friend is changed by medicine, food and well, constant bombardment of diseases over the course of decades, it is a small change but a change non the less, and all that happened in one hundred year span, now take away the medicine and add one million years, I'm fucking positive that there is bound to be big changes there.

So all who even remotely believe to Intelligent Design, cry to a pillow when you sleep, but keep it out of the facts.

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