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Sands of War 2 beta 1 released!

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The Sands of War team is proud to announce that the first public version of Sands of War 2 has been released! You can now download the mod and play it as soon as there are server up.

You can grab the 30MB release over at our download section:


We are still looking for a few more mirrors. If you can mirror the file, then please do so and tell us the url so we can add it.

We need servers big time, so if you can host a server then please do so! A linux build is currently in the works and will be ready soon.

This is just the very first beta of SoW2. There is still much work to be done on the mod and we got quite a bunch of ideas for future releases. Do not expect a perfect game but rather a good base to build further releases on.

If you got any talent for game development(texturing, level design, coding, etc.) then do not hesitate to contact us!

While downloading you can enjoy some screenshots from two of the maps in beta 1:

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From what I played, this mod is nothing original. Its CS with DOD gameplay that takes place only in desert settings. There are bugs every six feet. No sprites work, damage is unrealistic, flip a car and you fall through the terrain, open the console and just read every line as some kind of error saying "cant find some kind of CS assest because we didnt take the time to remove all the references", no object sounds, skills dont work, maps look incomplete, stall on all weapons animations, and a cs maplist. I could go on but im getting bored just talking about this game.

I'm sorry to say this, but I think I'm going to cry myself to sleep after playing that

I would be hard pressed to play any future releases of it.


Yah. Rich and I just playtested it. Errrrrr. I think my main beef was with that the entire game is based off of CSSource's code, and that none of it is changed. I tried to spectate...and I get readings for the CSS Terro's and CT's in the score entry. All of the models and content is mostly ripped from CSS, as well as the scripts - No walk sounds, environmental sounds, break sounds, or anything - All broken game sound entries. The skill system that it has binds for doesn't even work - Invalid command, and the menu is full of #SOW_blah_blah. Can't take the time to write some simple VGUI scripts I take it? It was even using the CSS maplist - Unless I'm mistaken I can't play de_train or dust or whatever. You don't even have to wait to capture flags, either - You come within 10 feet of it and it's yours - And they're so close together rounds end in under a minute.

I agree - I'd be hard pressed to play any future releases after this 'beta'. I don't even think it's worthy of that release title.


You know, thats why its beta. I thougt this term was more or less understood around these boards

Betas aren't final products.

Yeah, but betas are generally more original content and alot less buggy. The internal alpha we have for bms is a lot more polished than this.

And what is the problem with me voicing my opinion? I would have worded it nicer if I hadent walked away from sow with such a dissapointed look on my face but that was my overall impression.

imho, this was a very dissapointing "beta".


We know that this is an early version of the game and far from final. We doesn't have to wait 3-4 years and then released a game like proffesional game developers do. We are a mod and want to release early and often so that the community can follow the development.

No sprites work, damage is unrealistic, flip a car and you fall through the terrain, open the console and just read every line as some kind of error saying "cant find some kind of CS assest because we didnt take the time to remove all the references", no object sounds, skills dont work, maps look incomplete, stall on all weapons animations, and a cs maplist.

Could you please be a little more constructive? Which sprites? Which dmg? Yes if you turn console on there are some errors in there, but haven't given those high priority as they doesn't affect the gameplay.

Cs maplist? I am pretty sure we had shifted that one out, I will need to check that when I get home.

Yes there is a lot of CS content in SoW2, but we thought that people should be able to check out the gameplay while we get some more art done.

Generally I don't think that it is that bad as some of you say. We have gone through milestones, alphas and release candidates to weed out bugs.

We also got 2 gameplay modes in our first release, not many mods got that.

Anyways, if any of you can improve our mod in any way(models, textures, maps, etc.) then you are very welcome on the team.


There are alot of mods that stay in beta and play like full features ready to release games, so I wouldn't say that it's too much to expect from a mod that is in beta stage.

But that said, I wouldn't like every mod to take as long to develop as NS took before even the first beta release. But at that point it was already a full game.


Could you please be a little more constructive? Which sprites? Which dmg? Yes if you turn console on there are some errors in there, but haven't given those high priority as they doesn't affect the gameplay.

Weapons do not have muzzle sprites, is what he's referring to. The fire rates seemed identical too - The Aug fires like an MP5, when in reality it's ~240 rounds a minute versus ~900 for the MP5. The console errors all pertain to ingame bugs too - No walk sounds, etc - As in they have no game sound script entries. I'd say that affects gameplay D:

I think that it's just too early to consider a release, in my opinion. Releasing later when you have a more polished and impressive product really is better than releasing quick and early. You'll end up getting a bigger audience that way instead of turning off people who played a very unpolished alpha/beta build.


I don't get what's wrong with using CSS content, HL2 is only limited to a urban eastern europe theme. Its not like its stealing from another mod, its owned by valve and they have a interest in a active mod scene.

Not every mod can find a good texture artist or modeler.

BTW DOD was not orriginal either capturing multiple flags was done in TF canalzone already.

But when looking at some comments on other forums I start to think some people are just to spoiled.

Ofcourse this is not a excuse for bugs :-)


I think they're going in the right direction. They SEEM to be focusing more on getting their own gameplay before art assetts. Nothing is wrong with that approach. Maybe the game will be really fun in new releases and someone will help them get rid of the CS art. But I want to emphasize there is nothing wrong with using place holder stuff, even if it seems the majority is place holders. They stated many times that they're using CS as a place holder, and thats why its a beta.

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