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Your Top5 game developers

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So, what are your favourite game developers (studios), you can also give us reasons why that particular developer is so dear to you. They don't need to be in any particular order, there is no need to have exactly five developers, there can be less, there can be more.

I'll start.

1. Relic

Relic is the absolutely best developer for me, they have never done a bad game, they always seem to have fresh ideas, and they seem to be most concerned about the fun element in their games. Well, it doesn't hurt that all their games have been RTS games. One day, I hope to work there.

2. Blizzard

Well, do I really need to explain? As far as gameworlds go, there just isn't a company that does them better than Blizz. I might want to work there, maybe more at their cinematic team than the game team.

3. Team Ninja

Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox has to be the best game I have played on the box, hands down. And DoA series has no rivals in terms of gameplay and sheer adrenaline (ok well, maybe Soul Calibur games top DoA games, but that is just a maybe). Tho I wouldn't like to work here, Japanese game development cycles are not my piece of bread.

4. Nintendo (Hal Laboratories)

Nintendo owns almost every game franchise I love to play, there has been few bad ones tho, like all those Kirby puzzle games, I mean wtf is with that, and Mario sport games are just plain wrong. Wouldn't like to work here either, look reason at Team Ninja.

5. Firaxis

Sid Meier, a god amongst men, Pirates, classic, new Pirates, fucking awesome. Civ? I think I wouldn't be so avid gamer without it, a lifetime spent on it and then some, just have to click away on Civ3 while waiting on Civ4 that looks totally balls on the walls awesome. Totally would work there.

Maybe there is more, but atm, I can't think of anything that pops on top of them.

Now it's your turn hombre.

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Capcom - for their quality and consistency. And for giving me the Resident Evil franchise.

Konami - multifaceted, multitalented company. For me, they've given me the genius Metal Gears, the fabulous Silent Hills and of course the Pro Evolution Soccer series. Such contributions cannot be understated.

Valve - rising from obscurity in 1998 with the superlative Half-Life, the game that changed my PC gaming life. Didn't do half-bad with the sequel either, and now they seem to be going from strength to strength.

Ion Storm Austin - gone but never forgotten, especially Warren Spector. They created Deus Ex. Enough said. Oh, and Thief 3 was fantastic too.

I can't really think of a 'favourite' number 5. There's plenty of quality out there; Namco, Raven, Id, BIS, DICE etc., but none I'd really love to include.


Dunno really, so many different to choose from.

There has to be some company that you admire, like I said, it doesn't have to be in any particular order, you don't have to choose "the best" just tell which one you like and why, would you like to work for them some day.

I have to add two more developers to my list.

6. Remedy

Now how doesn't like them or their games, they are a solid game company, with a good few games, they don't rush anything out the door and they have very interesting concepts.

They seem to have very talented people working there and it would be a super place to learn. And I guess that answers my question if I'd like to work there :P

7. IO Interactive

Well, I haven't been that big of a fan of Hitman series, it has had it's moments, and it really is very innovative series, but somehow it just didn't strike me like Freedom Fighters did, now there is a game, man, I couldn't stop playing that game, it was totally awesome and had a great story, not to mention the graphics.


Rockstar Games - Nothing much has to be said really. No idea about whats the enviroment is like at the offices, I'll assume its pretty fun, since the games have nice easter eggs and a casual attitude to them.

Gave us the great GTA series, and the even greater (imo) Max Payne series.

can't think of any others :G

So is HAL labs inc == nintendo?


Rockstar Games - Nothing much has to be said really. No idea about whats the enviroment is like at the offices, I'll assume its pretty fun, since the games have nice easter eggs and a casual attitude to them.

Gave us the great GTA series, and the even greater (imo) Max Payne series.

can't think of any others :G

So is HAL labs inc == nintendo?

Max Payne 1 & 2 were developed by finnish Remedy Entertainment, it was just published by Rockstar Games.

Nintendo bought Hal Labs. way back when they made Kirby or something, they are responsible of pretty much every Nintendo 1st party game since then.


1. Black Isle Studios, the creator of the 2 best games ever Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Too bad it got shot down by interplay. No need to mention any other game developers cuz they all suck. :wink:


Remedy definately with their Max Payne serie, and because it's finnish :roll:

Rockstar with GTA 1, 2, (London), 3, haven't tried other ones yet. Also VALVe with Half-Life 1 & 2 of course.


I wouldn't like to put any order on them, but my top 5 picks are...

Smilebit: Jet Set Radio series, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gunvalkyrie

Team Ninja: DOA series, Ninja Gaiden

Squaresoft: Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy series, Front Mission series, etc...

Namco: Soul Calibur series, Ridge Racer series, Tekken series

Capcom: Resident Evil series, Street Fighter series, Clock Tower series, Viewtiful Joe series, Dino Crisis series, etc...

Of course I wouldn't really imagine myself working for any of these companies, what with them all being Japanese. But they do make exceedingly good games :)


Remedy Max payne!

Valve Half-life 1&2

ElectronicArts Underground 2 & Battlefield 1&2

Codemasters Operation Flash point!

Atari Unreal Tournament 2k4 & 2k7

Did atari made ut?

Sope, Atari didn't make any of the Unreal series games, and UT2k7 will be published by Epics new publisher, Midway. And EA didn't make BF games.


The BF games are made by DICE (also known as Digital Illusions I believe), as are the Rallisport Challenge games on Xbox, which adds more justification for having them as one of your favourites ;) Epic / Digital Extremes made the UT games.

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