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games that seem to make time fly by!

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Took a break this weekend from working on the game. Looking through my library of games and noticed that I had alot that I hadn't beaten yet. hehe.

Popped in Beyond Good and Evil at 7pm, couldn't find my save game so I started again, 3:36am later, OMG where did the time go. LOL. When I first bought BGE i played it for a few days at a time, then bought a new game and thought i would come back to it. WOW! very engrossing storyline and the racing is awesome!

Some games are so engrossing that time seems to get lost in the void of time. Final Fantasy 7, Jade Empire, Sly Copper 1, Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, Zelda, to name a few :D

Anyone else experience this time void when they played a game?

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Yepp some games do that to you, BGE is great. Some others I love are Silent Hill 2, AVP2 & Max Payne. Personally I find the singleplayer games do this most for you, when games aren't played divided into matches, they have a different kind of addiction. Not to mention MMORPG's, they are way worse.


Well, the latest game to eat all my time was Riddick, before that I think Dungeon Siege, there is something elusive beating up mobs and collecting gear, ofcourse Diablos are dirty ones too, took alot of my life away. But the absolute crazy on time consumption might be Tie Fighter, I can't imagine that I have played any game so much, I just flew all the time.

Ofcourse, MMORPGs like WoW, Planetside and Neocron have eaten good few years off of my life. And all the clan activity on some internet games, NS, Gloom and DoD being the main culprits.


King's Quest V and VI. :) Lost entire summers to those games!

Also, my friends and I had a lan party shortly after TFC was released. We tried it on a whim one night at about 11 or midnight. It was daylight before we stopped. That was just on the hunted map, too. :)

BG&E was right up there... WoW, sections of Psychonauts (Goggalor and the Milkman, mainly). And Half-Life 2 as well; I hammered through that in just a couple sittings the day it shipped. :D Couldn't stay away!


Heroes Of Might And Magic II and III (+ expansions)

Transport Tycoon Deluxe

Settlers II Gold and III + Quest of the Amazons

Half-Life 1 and 2

Counter-Strike :/

Warcraft I, II and III

Diablo I and II (with expansions)

StarCraft & Broodwar

World of Warcraft :/

:/ = I look back on those days as lost time. Absolutely nothing gained.

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