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In this trailer, you get to see quite a bit of the firstperson-stuff along with the pinkydemon. Which now is wheelchair-bound...

I wonder how the FPS scenes will look in a movie theater. Some unlucky people get motionsickness from playing or even watching first person computer games, so this will probably cause some horrible scenes in the movie theater :)


Just another brick in the wall tbh. Seriously, I'm so fucking tired of these typical hollywood movies! Even the traillers are all the same, if you compare that to some resident evil traillers it's the same shit. I can already predict the end. The monster will kill everyone but the marine and the chick and they will be happy forever. And 2 seconds before the credits the camera will spot on a hidden monster then people will be like "OMFG THEY ARE MAKING A SEQUEL".

However, the fps stuff might be fun, who knows.


I'm actually impressed by that FPS stuff - its a very neat throwback to the games. I'm sure it will get a bit old, but if it only made on really short appearance it would seem disjointed and out of place. I guess its gonna be a balance to get it right, so it fits in but doesn't get too boring.

Most people bitch that the films of games never relate to the games themselves, but this is looking more and more like it does. So many of the settings shown in that trailer look like they are taken straight out of Doom 3 :) Even the exterior part near the start looked very much like the entrance part shown in the D3 intro.

That said, I can't say I'm excited about this film, and I doubt I'll bother seeing it at least until its out of the cinemas.


I ahve basically kept my expectations done for movies for sometime (any movie in general) so I am usually not disappointed by a lot of movies, and if a movie is really bad then I just laugh at it. Though that was not the case with Be Cool, man that movie sucked sooo much it wasn't even funny. I don't think me and DD laughed at all for the first hour, upon which we took it out of the DVD player.

As for doom, I think it looks better than a lot of the recent game>movie movies


The last bit with the pinky demon was cool, the rest was pretty horrible and stupid. But it looks fairly decent compared to other game based movies tbh. I mean common, its based doom, its a dumb game so what did you expect the movie to be like? Some serious and deep drama? :)

I'll give it a chance


I've never been a fan of the Rock and I stay away from movies that he's in. Amazingly, from what I've seen he seems to fit the part very well and I'm looking forward to seeing how he performs.

I've really gotten back into Doom 3 lately and I'll be seeing this at the cinema for sure. Tomb Raider, Resident Evil etc. have all been let downs but I'm going to take a risk and predict this will proberly be the best game to movie transfer to date.

Which isn't the hardest of tasks.


Oh lord when they are going to make a movie of a really great game with really great story, I mean Doom story? Doom story anyone? Anyone at all?

What the fuck IS the Doom story? A guy runs in dark hallways and kills demons, ooh, that deserves an oscar.

Make a game about the greatest game of all times, Metroid, and not the new ones (altho great), make a movie about the original metroid. That would be so frikkin cool, and hot too, Samus is the dream lady, fuck those Bloodraynes and DOA hoes.


Doom story is simple: UAC messes about with stuff it doesn't understand and ends up opening a portal to Hell, releasing thousands of demons into a mars base. Of course the movie isn't allowed to portray Hell for some unknown reason, so it's more like:

UAC messes about with stuff it doesn't understand and ends up dropping a right bollock and releasing thousands of mutants into a mars base :roll:

It looks ok, I liked the Pinky demon at the end, even if they aren't from Hell they at least look like they should do. The FPS scenes are interesting, but only time will tell what effect they have..


UAC messes about with stuff it doesn't understand and ends up dropping a right bollock and releasing thousands of mutants into a mars base :roll:

So basically "Former Vietnam vet. Colonel Samuel Trautman is kidnapped on a mission in Afghanistan by Soviet Colonel Zaysen and only man that can rescue him is JOHN RAMBO." Sounds cool, but that movie didn't win an oscar either :D

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