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I watched "The Island" with Ewan Mc Gregor and Scarlett Johannsson~ last night. Cool movie, nothing too extraordinary though. However I was surprised how much they blew up and trashed, didn't expect that. One thing which bothered me slightly was a distinct inconsistence in the design of the world, some parts looked very futuristic while others looked exactly like today. But I guess that is the compromise between "near" and "future".

A different issue I noticed was the massive product placement in the movie. It started with X-Box logos in the virtual reality videogame arena, chevrolet cars, calvin klein advertisements, msn search and that futuristic boat which actually plays a role in the story IS a real boat! I don't know if videos of it have been posted here, but it's one of those f'kin expensive, high-end boats. Way to boost your sales ("Oooh look it's that cool boat from the island...").

Anyone else here who watched the movie?

Scarlett Johannsson was flamin' hot by the way, I didn't recognize her from "Lost in translation" at first. Amazing what losing a couple of pounds, a different haircut, makeup and tight clothes can do...






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It was better than I expected, but nothing special really. Even the action was kinda shallow, and thats usually the only good thing about Michael Bay movies.

Anyway, you're forgetting Apple and Puma product placement as well. But yeah, it was horrible with all that product placement and it just made the movie worse instead of helping it.

Also, Scarlett :fap:


yeah this movie started off very good with this cool and interesting premise. then it just became another Michael Bay glorified chase sequence over the second half. the only thing that saved it from that point was Scarlett flaming hotness that was just a pleasure to watch. Also, I think they gave her some crappy dialogue, but she managed to do a decent job with it. pants off to her...i mean...hats off to her for donig an okay job with crappy writing.

the product placement was crazy. i don't mind it for some realisim sometimes, but in this movie it seemed sooooooooooooooo obvious and not in a fun kind of way like in the Back to the Future movies.

i would give this a movie a thumbs up just to watch Scarlett in all her hotness, but that's about it.


1) Scarlett Johansson was hotter in Lost in Translation, by far. But still hot in this movie.

2) Interesting premise indeed, but then it turned into a chaos of fights, explosions, plot holes and ...



The Xbox was the worse, since this was obviously in the future and Xbox wouldn't be around any more. It would be like X-1000, Super Xbox, X64 or the X-Cube, or some fifth generation name. :banjo:


I liked it for what it was. I could care less about the product placement. It wasn't like they'd pause, turn to the camera, and say "Drink Coke!". Shoot, I probably missed half the adverts.

It wasn't the best movie or anything, but it entertained me and that's all that mattered.

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