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Sony Online Entertainment and EB games - Big Jerks

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So I bought Everquest 2 yesterday from EB games here. I get home, install it, and attempt to enter my very own CD key. No dice, turns out it's already in use. So I try to put it in again. Still get the Key is in use prompt. So today I drop by EB games to get a refund or exchange. No dice they say, the CD key is already in use by 'hackers' as they put it, so they can not refund or exchange it, as they wont be able to sell it. LOL!!! So I contact SOE today. "I bought a new copy of Everquest 2 yesterday, and it tells me my CD key is already in use".

"Can I get the CD key please?"

"sure, its xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx"

/me waiting

"You'll have to deal with this issue with EB games."

"They wont refund my game, as they say they wont be able to sell it".

"You'll have to deal directly with EB games."

"Thanks, I guess I'll cut my losses and buy it again".

So here's the lowdown. EB games, a multi-million dollar making company, screws a customer out of 34 bucks so that they can put that $34 towards their 500 mill they're going to make this year. Then the company who manages Everquest 2 tells me they wont give out new CD keys. So now I'm out 34 dollars, unless I can find myself a CD key.

I'm not angry, infact, I'm not surprised at all. Big companies do little consumers like me in the butt all the time. So should I go the legal route and buy a new copy, possibly facing another raping when I find that CD key is in use as well, or do I find someone who doesnt play it anymore and use their account?


What about sealed copies with receipts? or 'defective' discs?

I know a number of places will take back sealed copies with receipts as returns; a savvy gamer could easily convincingly re-seal the package and return it the next day after getting the key and the account. Hell, I had a defective WoW disc and had already put the CD key from that version into my uber-document of all my cd keys before I installed - that key was still there after I exchanged my copy for a working disc! Who knows what fate it saw after that.

It's certainly not 100% certain (ha, certain), but definitely possible.


true, that. But if it was a defective disc surely they would have sent it back to the manufacturer, not resold it? If that were the case and it had gone down the line and the cd-key were repackaged with working discs.... I guess there is that possibility as well.


same thing happeand to me with Guildwars, I called them up and they gave me a new one though, but i was on hold for like 100 minutes, and this guy was like 'hang on i gotta track this other Cd key' and i was like 'okay'

and then like 20 minutes went by of music


'yes we traced the man in dallas, texas'

'that's great..... want me to go there and confront him? why are you telling me?'

'oh.. no reason i guess.. heres your new CD key, sorry.'


according to the EB policy I was told, you cannot return or trade in opened MMO merchandise. Sounds it may have been a co-workers friend who traded it back in :(. I'd contact the EB corporate, and let them know that you bought a new game and someone has already registered the key, maybe they can help you get a refund.

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