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Free retail game textures anyone?


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Probebly not legal but it seems to contain some old games so the textures will be pretty crappy anyway no?

I remember Max Payne's textures were released but only to use for non commerial uses because they figured if they didn;t do it, someone else would put them availeble anyway.

Well thats what I heard I'm not 100% sure its true.

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I wonder why they didn't do that for MP2..

I've had a look at some: Sin textures are horrble and old, JK2 have all been scaled down so some of them look terrible, Mafia has some decent stuff and so does Undying, the other games I either have or don't care for...

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Well, it seems that most of those games, if not all, have released SDK which basically means that everyone can get their hands to the textures anyway, and besides, there are not any originals, so I don't see the big problem, other than the abandonware debate about copyrights and all.

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