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Doom III leaves sour taste in my mouth...

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Of course its not like anyone really cares what i think anymore... but I just have to say that this game is a sour apple among many sour apples... For several reason IDs new game/engine will not be making a way to my harddrive for the simple fact that is just look horrible and I have seen engines like halo's engine do so much better in so little time.

The bump-mapping makes this game look horrible---AND NO I AM NOT BASING THIS ON THE DAMN ALPHA-- On top of that it really just brings ewws and ahh to something we do not need. I mean really... what can gaem devs do with this engine they have not beeen ablt to already do. Such as create FPS games that take on realistic points of view... wow the bump mapping will just allow my flashlight to have that balck metalic look instead of that "just black" look... I think this game is way over hyped and is often taking the shine away from much better titles like Zaphods wonderful Vampire game which has recieved very little praise on the for front or even games like call to duty.... and even Far cry :) its just not worth it

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well doom3 doesnt really look that bad, but its certainly far too overrated, and i get less and less impressed with each screenshot they release from it~

id should make a game based on my idea of a game set in the medieval age with cars instead of horsies, that would r0x0r t0tally!~evr


the tech is hella impressive

the game is not.

How can you call a tech hella impressive when the things displaying the tech are crap... we honestly don't know what hella impressive is until we see thing that display it... I mean on paper the doom III engine sounds awsome but as far as its on-screen display it looks like crap.


i think zilla ment like wat cud be done with the eigne etc just doom3 is not the most intresting ways it chose to use it i mean i played teh alpha and that bit witht he pipe and thing luks nice and makes for a nice sci-fi type game just doom3 with the same story and wat we've seen its just..."meh and" if u get me :\ :oops:


actually i meant that once you see doom 3 in motion the tech is actually really impressive... their shader system is completely nuts.

whats really odd to me about the game is using normal mapped textures at the expense of making sense and looking nicer.

For example if you check out some walls in the doom 3 shots they have slits in walls where you can see an obviously flat texture with a normal map so if you were to shine light in there it would mimic what a real pipe might look like.

The question however is why not just make real pipes with other tech?

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