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Half-Life Beyond - The Operation Wants You!


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Nearly 1 year passed since the project was started and we're still going, with both Singleplayer and Multiplayer Components in place, 2 distinct mission types, 2 game modes and more.

As the scope of the project grows so do the resources needed to make it the best it can be, Like what you see? now's your chance to leave your mark on this Operation's future, we're now looking to fill the following developer positions:

  • Level Designer:

Good enough with 3D modelling, can make assets in a similar style to the original games or other mods, Singleplayer or Multiplayer, be it regular, co-op, deathmatch, capture the flag or anything in between

  • 3D first person view model animator
  • Unreal Engine VFX artist
  • Menu Background art design

If any of these fields apply to you leave a comment or contact me here, on moddb or on Discord:


Happy to announce that we're finally settled on a proper title for the project, from now on the project will be known as "Beyond" but the codename will also stay internally to avoid confusion. Looking forward to having your talent onboard

Link: https://www.moddb.com/mods/operation-half-real

Edited by G_Sergeant
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