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the Quran code!!!!

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Not to be confused with the Bible code which was proven to be false, the Quran (Koran) code is the ultimate proof that GOD/ALLAH exists and the world will end in 2280!

The holy number in the Quran is 19 which means ONE in all arab languages and possesses unique mathematical properties.

If just one letter of the Quran is falsified the code wont add up anymore which prevents the Quran from ever being falsified and proves it hasnt been since it was discovered 14 centuries ago!! How could someone make such a complex code 14 centuries ago:)

Also if u believe the code is just made up by a mad scientist, the Quran itself mentions the code!! But for evrybody who doesnt believe it, the Quran has this message for u:

'The one who hears GOD's revelations recited to him, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them. Promise him a painful retribution.

When he learns anything about our revelations, he mocks them.

Awaiting them is Gehenna. Their earnings will not help them, nor the idols they had set up beside GOD. They have incurred a terrible retribution.'

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wasnt the world supposed to end like 50 times over already by now? im getting impatient

we'll all be long dead in 2280 anyway and have achieved pimp status among god and his hos

Guest The_Postman

The world was supposed to end in 1,000 AD as well. Guess we survived.

Guest The_Postman

Allah = Yahweh = Jehovah.

Same god, differen't name, new book.


The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Such are corrupt; they do abominable deeds; there is not one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there be one who is wise and seeks God. All alike have gone astray.... [Psalm 14:1-3]

Heh... I don't believe in god or I am unsure of it's(gods) existance with my mind not my heart. Yet I do good. I wonder how these guys knew me from centuries ago and could assume I am a bad person because I don't believe in god. If god satisfies your belief that it(god) created all the we know... then what satisfies the fact of god's creation? (Reworded: If god created all, how was god created?) Humans need a solution for what seems unsolutable, but just claiming everything was done by a higher being is plain stupid.

I also like how through-out this totally credible site they use bible(s) to prove the bible.

1.Chapter 3 is to contain exactly 532 of the letter `S'.2.Chapter 8 is to contain exactly 209 B's, and 779 T's.3.Chapter 6 is to contain exactly 133 of the letter combination `ING.'4.And the total number of sentences must be exactly 57,152.

WTF... Omg, if you count all the A's in this post it adds up to 84.9 and if you divide it by 8 and add the number of B's and count how many times allah is mention find its first prime number and factor it by 22 you get 19 - 2. THEREFORE GOD EXISTS !!!!

No human being(s) could have kept track of 2698 occurrences of the word "God," and the numbers of verses where they occur.

I could, I guess they're just stupid.

I'm tired of reading the website... lots of bullshit, too much straying from the fact and rambling. Nice try, but no, that is not proof, nor miraculous.


The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Such are corrupt; they do abominable deeds; there is not one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there be one who is wise and seeks God. All alike have gone astray.... [Psalm 14:1-3]

That was refering to the people at the time the Psalm was written. There were people back then who chose not to believe in God, just like there are today. :)


Heh... I don't believe in god or I am unsure of it's(gods) existance with my mind not my heart. Yet I do good. I wonder how these guys knew me from centuries ago and could assume I am a bad person because I don't believe in god. If god satisfies your belief that it(god) created all the we know... then what satisfies the fact of god's creation? (Reworded: If god created all, how was god created?) Humans need a solution for what seems unsolutable, but just claiming everything was done by a higher being is plain stupid.

thats like a pizza u baked concluding u didnt bake it becuz it doesnt know what baked u=o)

god created time DD, so god was here before time and has no beginning or end!! hes the alfa and omega, god is no more made than u were baked!!


No its not, if I created a pizza I created it. Regardless of whether the pizza knows I baked it or not.

And those are you beliefs in god, I don't follow stupid unproven beliefs blindly. And still the question remains.. if god created all, including time, then what created god?

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